9R Autumn 1 Week 5
9R have had a busy but fun Week 5. We explored our senses, using our sense of smell to guess lots of different and unusual things. Then we explored the human body further by researching different organs, and creating a skeleton out of straws. We have been busy reviewing our favourite books, the…

9R Group B Week 4
We have had a lovely time in 9R this week. We finished off our Lockdown Journal, our last page was all about the different activities we had done during lockdown: baking, walking, watching Netflix and colouring! We accepted the Spaghetti Tower Challenge from Group A and although we are awaiting…
9R Group A - Team work makes the dream work
Group A have had a great week in 9R. We had lots of fun completing fitness bingo together, I think we did more laughing than exercising! We have also worked hard and finished our Lockdown journals which we can't wait to share with the rest of the class next week. In our class Teams call we all…

9R Group B - Week 3
We have had lots of fun in 9R this week. Creating a Lockdown Journal on Book Creator on our iPads, making quizzes, enjoying mindfulness sessions, climbing on the climbing frame and of course eating ice-cream! We have all been kind to one another, with lots of very good communication.
Have a…

9R Bubble B Week 2
We have had a great second week and we are starting to get used to the new school routine. This week we have been exploring the iPads more, photographing objects that begin with our initial and creating a collage. We worked very hard on our dot painting, spoke with our friends at home via Teams…

9Rs Class Quiz
Following last weeks successful scavenger hunt this Thursday we challenged 9R to take part in a quiz as part of their Teams meeting. The pupils were shown a number of famous logos on screen and had to name the food, TV show, shop or product that the logos belonged to. Everyone did really well,…

Secondary’s Wake up and Shake up, May 2020.
We were all feeling a little bit sleepy this morning so needed to do something to wake up our bodies and our brains.
We went into the hall and did a wake up and shake up dance to help us feel awake! We really enjoyed it and took part really well!
We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to…

9R - Our learning from home. Week 5
9R have been very busy this week doing lots of exciting learning from home as well as lots of other fun things.
After the Easter break 9R have been back to action stations this week and lots of work has been completed on purple mash and education city and it’s been great to see what work has…

Secondary’s Easter week 2020
Secondary pupils who have been in school this week have been busy doing lots of fun activities and learning. Robyn created a wonderful ‘stay at home, stay safe’ rainbow to thank all NHS staff and key workers! We have done some fun maths and English learning, looking at how to create letters and…
Lunchtime Dance Club
Today was the first "Just Dance" club for years 9-11 at lunchtime. We warmed up to "Eye of the Tiger" and were very impressed with the pupils boxing moves! We all had lots of fun dancing to a variety of songs and even found enough energy to sing along. I think we were all ready for the 2 minute…

Please Sir, can 9R have some more?!
To begin our first week back of the new year, 9R created an ebook about their Christmas holidays on the iPads. They used some wonderful pictures to show us what they had done. It all looked very fun and exciting! Our new topic is food glorious food. So on Tuesday we watched Oliver. The songs were…

9Rs Festive Fun
9R are ready for Christmas! After a busy half term and Christmas production 9R are ready for a well-earned Christmas break.
We had lots of fun at our Christmas party playing pin the nose on rudolph, twister and doing the After 8 challenge. This week we've also got creative making Christmas…