6 May

Chestnut Class ... Can They Fix It, Chestnut Class ... Yes They Can!

Chesnut Class have enjoyed the theme of 'Bob the Builder' this week. 

We have done lots of building whilst counting and labeling the bricks, made some fantasic house pictures to use as touch and feel boards, and even looked at who lives in our houses!

We enjoyed 'What's in the Box' on…

30 Apr

Chestnut Class Wear Red

Today we all wore our own clothes in Chestnut Class, and wore something red!

We enjoyed a music session this morning where we played along to the song 'It's good to be me'. 

We spoke about how we are all different and that's great!!!

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend Chestnut…

23 Apr

The ‘3 Little Pigs’ Visit Chestnut Class!

Chestnut Class have had a very exciting week learning all about ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials and making pig houses out of straw, sticks and duplo, and pretending to blow them down. 

We all decorated a biscuit with pink icing and marsh mellows to make a pigs…

16 Apr

Chestnut explore ‘Spring’

This week in Chestnut class we have been learning all about spring. We have used forks in different coloured paints to make tulip pictures, painted blossom trees using our fingers, dug in the soil filling the plant pots, and looked for worms in the soil. We have explored the school grounds with…

18 Mar

Easter Cards in Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class this week, we made some cute Easter Cards for our familiies.

We squeezed a yellow blob of paint onto the middle of our card and then used a fork to spread the paint out. Once we had done this we stuck on 2 eyes and an orange beak, to make a super cute Easter chick!!! We can't…

12 Mar

Chestnut Class are Together Again

Chestnut Class have had a lovely week settling back into our routine.

We have enjoyed playing with our friends, exploring our fancy new outdoor area, and getting very busy with fun activities!

We have also been getting glittery whilst making our special cards for Mother's Day. We hope they…

5 Mar

World Book Day in Chestnut Class

This Week, Chestnut Class have continued to look at the book 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. 

We have enjoyed listening to the story, trying some of the food that the caterpillar ate, exploring different leaves and herbs in our tuff tray, and making some super caterpillar crafts!!

On Thursday…

25 Feb

Chestnut Class go on a Bug Hunt

This week in Chestnut Class, we have been reading the story ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

We have enjoyed making our own caterpillars, exploring the fruit that the caterpillar ate in the story, counting the fruit, and having fun in our sensory story tuff tray. We even went on our very own bug…

25 Feb

We are all Different in Chestnut Class and That is Great!

This week at Astley Park School, we have been looking at we have been celebrating diversity within our families entitled ‘Different Families, Same Love’.

In Chestnut Class we have been looking at our family books and pictures of our families.

We then saw our friends on our video call and…

12 Feb

Chestnut Class Superstars

What another busy week for Chestnut Class!

We have been carrying on with our beach theme in Class. We have all been busy building sandcastles, making huge ice-creams from different materials and decorating them, pretending to be crabs and click-clacking with instruments, and making handprint…

5 Feb

The Sun Has Got His Hat On ..... in Chestnut Class!!

The children in Chestnut have been using a little wishful thinking this week and exploring ‘The Beach’.

In Class we really enjoyed a funny Ice Cream Splat session. We each got a turn to splat Miss Heaton’s ice creams until there were none left!!!

We then had a go at following instructions…

29 Jan

Little Farmers in Chestnut Class!

It's been another busy week for the Chestnut Class children. Lets see what our home learners have been up to ...

Austin has been developing his fine motor skills doing lots of fun activities, such as playdoh gym. 

Bobby has been getting busy in the kitchen baking yummy cakes!!

It has been…