9 Oct

Chestnut Class meet Goldilocks

This week in Chestnut Class we have been joining in with lots of numbers songs and rhymes, we especially enjoyed the 10 green bottles. Our activities included using symbols to choose a song to sing and we used fun props for all the different songs.  
We all did fantastic listening to our sensory…

2 Oct

Chestnut Class and 'The Three Bears'

Oh what a fantastic week we've had in Chestnut Class. Its been great all being back together again. This week we've been learning about the Three Bears and watched the Goldilocks story. We've listened to lots of number songs and practiced counting 3 bowls, 3 bears, 3 beds and 3 chairs. Weve been…

25 Sep

Chestnut Class Week 4

Wow, what another fantastic week we’ve had in Chestnut Class. We’ve especially enjoyed watching our Attention Autism sessions getting messy with foam and flour. We’ve been finger painting our own faces and choosing a friend’s face to paint too. We had great fun decorating biscuits with Icing,…

18 Sep

Week 3 in Chestnut Class

This week in Chestnut Class we have been having lots of fun getting to know our new teachers and friends. We have been exploring our new environment playing with lots of different activities.

We especially enjoyed the Attention Autism with the balloons, which blew up when Miss Heaton added the…

10 Sep

Welcome Back Chestnut Class!!

Chestnut Class have all been very happy to be back in school and we have had a great week!

We have had lots of fun exploring our new classroom and getting to know the new adults in class. 

We have enjoyed a relaxation session every morning where we listen to music, watch bubbles, squeeze…

16 Jul

Chestnuts Being Creative and Learning About Insects

What a brilliant last week we have had in Chestnut Class. We have enjoyed our daily relaxation and sensory walks looking for mini beasts as we explore the great outdoors. We had great fun during our play-dough gym sessions making a wiggly worm short and long, and bugs big and small, we especially…

10 Jul

Chestnut Class Explore Mini Beasts

This week in Chestnut Class we have been very busy exploring different kinds of mini beasts. We have done some amazing bug counting and trying to find different mini beasts around the classroom. 

We listened to a very exciting story called 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' and Mrs James brought…

26 Jun

Sports week in Chestnut Class

This week in chestnut class we have been celebrating sports week and getting busy using our bodies. 
On Monday we practiced our ball skills , the children did some super throwing , rolling , catching and hitting a ball.  We used our fine motor skills and enjoyed cutting up some vegetables. 


19 Jun

A zoo’s life in Chestnut class- in school learning

Chestnut class have been so busy this week in school getting creative and learning all about different animals that live at the zoo.
We all loved exploring different patterns, matching animal prints and creating snakes from colourful patterns.

Mrs Worthington read the story 'Dear…

12 Jun

Another Busy Week for Chestnut

Chestnut Class are still on the theme of ‘Animals’ and we have all been having lots of fun at home this past couple of weeks, focusing on ‘Mini beasts’.

We have looked at the stories ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘Superworm’ and then been getting busy with lots of themed activities.

12 Jun

Chestnut Class on the Farm, in school learning

This week in chestnut class we have been exploring and learning all about farm animals. 
The children have enjoyed joining in with lots of Attention Autism activities. We have had fun singing songs and exploring foods that are grown on the farm. We did some vegetable counting and sorting, each…

5 Jun

We've Come to the End of Another Week.

Yesterday the children in Chestnut Class had a fun afternoon creating animal prints.

After watching Mrs Smith do an animal themed ‘What’s in the Box’ the children then used different animals and paint to make footprints on their paper. They then experimented using different shapes to create a…