15 Jul

Maple Score!

Maple had the best morning down at Westway! We are all very proud of how well the boys represented Astley Park. The class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership Football Festival. All the boys actively participated in a penalty shoot out against an FA representative. George was the top…

24 Jun

Maple enjoy sports week

This week Maple Class have enjoyed participating in Sports Week.

Monday - We had a fantastic time on the bikes in the playground, some of us also played with balls, throwing and catching. 

Tuesday - Our teachers hid items in and outside class, we then had to find the items from a checklist.…

23 Jun

Maple Class Visit Asda

Today, Maple embarked on the first of many scheduled trips to Asda! The boys have been preparing for a number of weeks through role play, travel training and social stories. 

The boys checked all roads were clear before crossing and gestured thank you to all drivers who gave way at the…

16 Jun

Maple Share Learning

We had some very important visitors in Maple today… 

Mummy’s, Daddy’s and Grandparents! We were all very excited to deliver sessions in person as opposed to via Microsoft Teams!

In the morning, Miss Woods and Mrs Worthington shared an Intensive Interaction session in the sensory…

16 Jun

Maple Rainbow Week

This week we have focused on rainbows. We enjoyed a story all about families, explored in colour themed tuff trays and attended attention autism. We very much enjoyed creating rainbows with skittles and paint. We wore red on Friday and some of us attended the colour parade on the track and helped…

10 Jun

Maple Class Striking & Fielding Festival

Some of Maple Class had the pleasure of attending the CSSP Striking & Fielding Festival at Chorley Cricket Club today! We participated in a carousel of activities alongside other schools. The weather was amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring the area and the activities! All pupils behaved…

27 May

Maple Class Summer 1

This half term Maple Class have been very busy at school. 

For ‘My Cooking’ half of Maple Class went to the food technology room, we were practicing buttering and slicing toast before we got to eat it! In Maple Class the rest of us were making juice, we were practicing our pouring skills and…

27 May

Maple Class Summer 1

This half term Maple Class have been very busy at school. 

For ‘My Cooking’ half of Maple Class went to the food technology room, we were practicing buttering and slicing toast before we got to eat it! In Maple Class the rest of us were making juice, we were practicing our pouring skills and…

13 May

Mental Health Week in Maple Class

This week for mental health awareness week Maple Class have been seeing what makes our engines just right and what makes us feel happy. Some of Maple Class did an attention autism, Miss Woods pulled out different objects from the bucket and we said if they made us happy or sad. One of the objects…

17 Mar

St Patrick’s Day in Maple Class

This morning while half of maple class went to strawberry fields to swim the rest of us in Maple Class had fun celebrating St Patrick’s Day. 
First we did an attention autism, in our bucket was a spinning top, a rocket and a flashing spiky ball. Next for stage 2 we did a shamrock fall. Miss Woods…

3 Mar

World Book Day in Maple Class!

This year our school theme for world book day was the three little pigs. 

In class to celebrate this theme we had a three little pigs sensory tuff tray, in here we had sticks, foam bricks and straw. We also had pink pig play dough 

As a class team we had our own theme which was Charlie and…

1 Mar

Maple Class learn about Hinduism

On Friday, Maple Class had a very special visitor! Mrs Parekh joined us via Microsoft Teams and told us about her Hindu faith. Mrs Parekh shared interesting facts and described her favourite festival (Holi). Pupils were then invited to ask questions, they asked about bindis before trying some on,…