10 Nov

Rowan Class explore Autumn

We have had a lovely week exploring all things Autumn in Rowan Class.

Making chocolate apples in cooking, counting pumpkins, creating brilliant sentences about our Autumn sensory story and enjoying lots of time outside looking for signs of Autumn.

We continue to make lots of progress with…

20 Oct

Rowan class week 7

Rowan have had a lovely week learning all about autumn. We have made autumn trees, leaf pictures, hedgehog biscuits and explored outside. Some of us visited the park, we walked really well and did super listening to safely cross the roads. We listened to some autumn sounds and listened to our…

15 Oct

Rowan autumn term week 6

Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

6 Oct

PE in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class. 

As part of Me and My Body we have been practicing fundamental skills including: running, skipping, jumping, balancing, catching and throwing. We all did very well and really impressed our teachers with our instruction following.

Have a lovely…

29 Sep

Cakes and Jeans in Rowan Class

We have been supporting both Jeans for Genes Day and Macmillan Coffee Morning in Rowan Class.

We enjoyed some lovely cakes at snack time and used some great communication to request the different coloured cakes.

We designed jeans and decorated them and found lots of words beginning with the…

22 Sep

Fun at the park with Rowan Class

This week we have been enjoying a community visit to the park.

We all walked very sensibly, holding hands and looking for dangers.

At the park we enjoyed exploring all the different areas with our friends.

Well done all and have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

15 Sep

Week 2 in Rowan Class

We have had a very busy week in Rowan Class.

We have explored textures in My Creativity - making ice creams and flowers with smooth and rough materials. We have used some brilliant communication to comment on fruits we like and enjoyed making cakes in cooking, using some fantastic problem…

8 Sep

First Week in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely first week back in Rowan Class!

The sun has been shining and we have made lots of new friendships. We have enjoyed exploring both class and school and getting to know each other. 

Have a lovely weekend all!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

21 Jul

Rowan Class 2022-23

We have had lovely year in Rowan Class.

Enjoying lots of different topics including Down at the Farm, Around the World and Emergency Emergency Emergency!

We have all made fantastic progress and had lots of fun along the way.

Highlights of the year include visiting the farm, the zoo and…

14 Jul

Down at the Farm with Rowan Class

We had a lovely end of term trip to the farm this week.

We fed lots of animals including: sheep, goats, llamas, alpacas, cows and horses. We enjoyed a lovely tractor ride to see the donkeys and horses, and had lots of fun on the play park.

We ate lunch in the barn and then watched the cows…

2 Jul

A busy week in Rowan Class

We have had an incredibly busy Summer 2 Week 4 in Rowan Class.

We continue to watch out caterpillars turn into butterflies, and this has given us lots of motivating learning opportunities across the curriculum.

Our visits to Asda and the park continue, and we are showing fantastic progress…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Rowan Class 2023

Rowan Class have had a great time during Sports Week.

We have enjoyed lots of lovely activities: yoga, dancing, ball skills, football, inflatable assault course and parachute games.

We all tried our best and had lots of fun!

Well done everyone!

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class…