19 Apr

Summer 1 Week 1 in Rowan Class

What an amazing first week back we have had in Rowan class.Our new topic this half term is Under the Sea and we have done lots of work around this. We have looked at different emotions and made our own feeling octopus. We really enjoyed our sensory story Commotion in the Ocean and looking at all…

28 Mar

Spring in Rowan Class

We have enjoyed a busy last few weeks of the Spring Term.

All learners have worked incredibly hard and continue to make fantastic progress in all areas. We are all so very proud of you.

Have a lovely break and see you soon.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

1 Mar

A busy start to Spring 2 in Rowan Class

Rowan Class have enjoyed a busy start to the new term.

In My Communication we have been enjoying the sensory story Welcome Home Bear and made some brilliant comments about the different parts of the story.

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been learning about measurement, exploring…

9 Feb

Mental Health Week in Rowan Class

This week we have been exploring our feelings for World Mental Health Week 2024.

On Monday we all wore green, and went on a hunt outside and inside looking for different green objects. 

We read the Colour Monster story, and made our own monsters with playdough.

In Food Technology we made…

6 Feb

Rowan Class and the Three Little Pigs

As part of our Homes and Habitats topic this term, we have been exploring the story: The Three Little Pigs.

We have enjoyed participating in the sensory story and helping Mrs Down with the props, signs and familiar phrases. Some of us answered some very tricky questions about the story, and…

19 Jan

Rowan Class explore Hinduism

For World Religion Week Rowan Class have been exploring Hinduism.

We enjoyed lots of multi-sensory activities: practicing Bollywood dancing, tasting traditional food, practicing saying hello, and we made some traditional Hindu sweets called Barfi in Food Technology.

Well done Rowan Class and…

22 Dec

Rowan Class - Breakfast with Santa

Rowan Class had a visit from Santa today! It was very exciting and all the learners were very happy to receive a gift from him!

We enjoyed a lovely breakfast of pastries, fruit and cereal and listened to some relaxing Christmas music.

Well done Rowan Class.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class…

15 Dec

Sharing our Learning - Rowan Class

We have had a lovely afternoon Sharing our Learning today with our friends and family.

Everyone enjoyed lots of Winter crafts, phonics and number activities, sensory circuits and some yummy biscuits.

Thank you all for coming, we really appreciate the support.

Have a lovely weekend…

10 Nov

Rowan Class explore Autumn

We have had a lovely week exploring all things Autumn in Rowan Class.

Making chocolate apples in cooking, counting pumpkins, creating brilliant sentences about our Autumn sensory story and enjoying lots of time outside looking for signs of Autumn.

We continue to make lots of progress with…

20 Oct

Rowan class week 7

Rowan have had a lovely week learning all about autumn. We have made autumn trees, leaf pictures, hedgehog biscuits and explored outside. Some of us visited the park, we walked really well and did super listening to safely cross the roads. We listened to some autumn sounds and listened to our…

15 Oct

Rowan autumn term week 6

Rowan class have all worked so hard this week. We have been to the park continuing our travel training skills. We have made biscuits and used our creative skills to turn them into some very cute hedgehogs, they were delicious! We also enjoyed our music lesson, lots of us liked the recorder and…

6 Oct

PE in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely week in Rowan Class. 

As part of Me and My Body we have been practicing fundamental skills including: running, skipping, jumping, balancing, catching and throwing. We all did very well and really impressed our teachers with our instruction following.

Have a lovely…