27 Jun

Willow Class Like to Move it Move it!!!

Willow class had a super sports week whilst the sun was shining!!!

On Monday we had the bikes and trikes. We had lots of obstacles to manoeuvre around in order to practise our steering and space awareness. 

On Tuesday we spent the morning orienteering!! We split into small groups and were…

20 Jun

Rainbow week in Willow class

Willow class had a great time celebrating rainbow week.

We learnt all about what Pride means and who is part of the  LGBTQ+ community, having some really grown up discussions! We talked about how families look different and people might have two mums, two dads, only one parent or live with a…

29 May

Fun at the fair for Willow class!

Willow class had the best day ever on Friday! We had games, rides, circus skills, face paint, special snacks and donkeys just to name a few of the exciting events during fairground day. We even set up our class hook a duck stall for all the school to enjoy.

The children (and staff) had so much…

27 May

Oh I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside - Willow Class in Southport

Willow Class have made such super choices this half term. We have all been collecting our school value stars for honesty, positivity, kindness, teamwork and respect. Our teachers thought that with all our hard work we deserved a fun day at the seaside!!!

As our topic this term is ‘fairground’…

16 May

Willow, sycamore and Rowan class share golden time with new friends!

This Friday was very exciting for the older primary children- we had a joint golden time in the hall!
Children from Willow, Sycamore and Rowan have been thinking about the transition to high school (or our friends transitions while we get some new friends in class) so we were all very excited to…

5 May

Willow class cook safely with heat!

This term Willow class are learning all about food and how to prepare it in our “The world about me” lessons.

This week we tied this in with our Eid celebrations by looking at different foods Muslim families eat to celebrate Eid. We had a look as a class at lots of different types of foods and…

25 Apr

Willow Class Look at Shapes

This half term, Willow class are learning all about shapes. 
Today we started our lesson with a shapes brain break. Once our engines were just right we practised drawing different shapes in chocolate powder. 
we then split in to groups and all had different challenges. 
Group 1 had to use…

20 Apr

Willow Class Celebrate Passover

Welcome back Willow Class!!!

Yesterday we learnt all about the Jewish holiday of Passover. 
We looked at the story of Moses and why Passover is celebrated. Willow Class listened really well to the story and asked some fantastic questions!!

We then looked at how Passover is celebrated and…

17 Mar

Willow Class Celebrate St Patrick’s Day With Food & Dancing

As it is St Patrick’s Day, Willow Class have got into the Irish spirit!!!

We started by making Irish soda bread. We all had a turn at weighing out the ingredients, mixing them together, and then kneading the dough. 
Once it was ready we all smelt it, or tasted it. Some of us weren’t too keen…

10 Mar

Willow class explore our local environment

This week Willow Class went on our first walking trip to visit Astley Park. We have been learning all about our local environment, habitats and wildlife in class, especially looking at local birds during the big bird watch in February so it was time to put all our knowledge to the test! 

8 Mar

Celebrating International Women’s Day in Willow

Today, Willow class celebrated International Women’s Day. 
We talked about why we celebrate this day, and learnt all about some influential women in history. 
We discussed the women in our lives and spoke about what we all want to grow up to be. 
We then then made a special card and flower to…

3 Mar

World book day in Willow class

What a fun day for Willow class!

We we’re all so excited to dress up and everyone loved showing off their costumes and lovely outfits taking selfies with friends. We joined the school assembly to look at which fairytale character had been sneaking around school caught on the cctv- we guessed it…