21 Dec

Willow class go see Santa at the farm!

As a special rewards treat for hard work all year, Willow. Lass went to Smithills farm to see the animals and a special visitor… Father Christmas!

We went to see the lovely donkeys just like in the Christmas story on our way in. Then we went to see the meerkats, wombats, owls and lots of…

12 Dec

Willow class visit Barton Grange and enjoy their Christmas Party

What a lovely week of festivities for Willow class! 
We started the week with an amazing trip to Barton Grange garden centre to look at the Christmas decorations. As part of our RE topic of Festivals and celebrations we have started work to learn about the Christian celebrations of Christmas.…

18 Nov

Remembrance in Willow class

This week, as part of our topic looking at different culture, celebrations and festivals, Willow class have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We looked at why we wear poppies and how they were chosen to symbolise the end of the war. In our people of the world lesson we had a look at some…

4 Nov

Willow class start enterprising!

In Willow class we enjoyed our DT topic making musical instruments last term. Miss Riley and the teachers were so impressed and could tell the children were ready for an enterprise project this term to put their planning and design skills to the test!

Our first enterprise project is looking at…

31 Oct

Halloween in Willow class

What a brilliant day in Willow class! 
Lots of friends wore costumes or their own clothes to celebrate Halloween and everyone had lots of fun with the masks and props.

In the morning we listened to a spooky story about skeletons scaring people and feeling scared. We had a good chat about what…

20 Oct

Miss Price’s last day and a musical party to end our DT topic

Willow class have had a busy few weeks!

We have been on community visits, worked on our functional maths skills looking at time, worked on our social skills and phonic skills, baked some amazing recipes, enjoyed team games in PE, learnt about our emotions and regulation states, learnt about…

10 Oct

Happy birthday William!

On Friday we celebrated William’s birthday as his birthday was over the weekend when he wouldn’t be in school. William kindly brought in some lovely Pokémon cakes so the class sung happy birthday and gave three cheers before William blew out his candle and made a wish!

We hope you had a lovely…

23 Sep

Terrific Tuesday- celebrating Sean’s birthday and a trip to the park

What a lovely start back to the week after our bank holiday Monday!

Willow class had their first walking trip to Devonshire Road Park to practice their road safety skills and recognising hazards in the community. Once there, we all had a lovely time playing on the equipment together.


22 Sep

Welcome to Willow! A fun first couple of weeks in class!

Wow what a start to the year! We have all had a lovely first two weeks in Willow class making new friends and getting to know each other.

We have enjoyed lots of play and learning activities to help get to know our new friends and help our teachers see how to support us best in this new…

21 Sep

Healthy eating fruit tasting for Willow and Sycamore

Willow and Sycamore had a lovely morning working on our healthy eating choices and love of fruit!

We were very lucky and had a special visitor- Lucia from ASDA. Lucia brought in lots of different fruits for us all to try. We shared what our favourite fruits are and which fruits we have tried…

25 Jul

Willow class 2021-22 over and out! Last day

Friday was our last day all together as Willow class 2021-22! 
We had a lovely day together and celebrated in style. In the morning we had our last swimming session where Mrs Smith initiated a class water fight much to the children’s delight! We all got soaked and enjoyed taking I in turns to…

15 Jul

Football friends- Willow and Sycamore football fanatics go to Westway!

This afternoon children from Willow class and Sycamore class were invited to join other Chorley schools for a football skills session at westway sports centre.

We practiced looking after our own ball, taking the ball from opponents, shooting, dribbling the ball and passing to friends. All the…