5 Aug

Holiday Heroes - Week 2, Group 3

Group 3 have had another action packed week this week!

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Carousel come in to do some work with us all about music. We looked at the different rhythms we could use, using our hands and then use those rhythms on a drum, which we played to a song as a whole…

29 Jul

Holiday Heroes - Week 1, Group 3

Group 3 have had a fabulous first week in their holiday heroes summer club.

On Tuesday we were all super lucky and were able to go swimming! We had such a fun time. We were all really grown up and got ourselves ready and put our swimming clothes on and our other clothes in a locker. The pool…

29 Jul

A great first week at Holiday Heros!

It’s summer so it’s time to have even more fun!


On Tuesday we enjoyed a lovely session at space, we loved the big slide! Seeing how fast we could go down it. The swing and the sensory lights was very relaxing. We also enjoyed a game of hide and seek, hiding in tunnels and in the cave…

29 Jul

Holiday Heros Summer Club

Well what an exciting first week! We have had a visit from Music Carousel where we enjoyed singing, instruments and moving to the music. We also really enjoyed the bouncy castle, the slide was great fun!


16 Jul

Sneak peek at 11R prom photos

Hi all. Hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays. Mrs Linde and I have loved having a sneaky peek at your photos from prom. Miss Bamber is busy finishing the rest of the photographs, but we thought you'd love to have a look at a few.

As soon as we get all of the photos back we will email…

15 Jul

Sycamore is out for summer!

Our last week has been a lovely week, we have been busy getting ready for our new classes by preparing ‘All About Me’ pieces, we have included our favourite colour, our interest, our family, favourite foods, where we live, our hobbies all ready for our new teachers. 


We have had some party…

15 Jul

9R Over and Out for Summer

This week we have enjoyed our last week together.

On Wednesday we went to Astley Park and spent some time on the park equipment - Mrs Clarke went down the slide and Miss Zara had a go in the zip wire.  It was great to be out in the sunshine spending quality time with our friends.

We walked…

15 Jul

9G Final Farewell

What a year it has been in 9G! 

We have honestly had the best time and have enjoyed teaching and having fun with every member of the class. 

Unfortunately some members of class have been missing today but we will make sure you get your end of year treat! 

Thanks for everything 9G and best…

15 Jul

Willow Class awards 2021

Last week Willow class held their very own awards ceremony in class! Everyone is moving on to new things in September- new rooms, new classes and new schools so we decided to have a big celebration and party to end the year.

The children worked hard with Miss Riley to create a PowerPoint…

15 Jul

Willow class goes to the park!

On Wednesday this week we went on our last trip of the year- to the park on Devonshire Road!

The children had a fantastic time in the sun playing on the equipment together. Please enjoy all the photos.

14 Jul

10Gs Creative Calvert Trust Experience Part 2

10G had a fantastic time on Wednesday afternoon. The instructors discussed with us how to stay safe on the water whilst canoeing and we got dressed into the safety clothes to ensure we would be okay whilst on the water. We helped one another to put the canoes in the water and got the chance to go…

14 Jul

10Gs Courageous Calvert Trust Part 1

10G had a fantastic time at Calvert Trust. On the Monday we all had a lovely chat at school and got all of our things ready to go. Then we got to stop off at McDonald’s on the way for our lunch which was a lovely treat. Once we arrived at Calvert Trust we unpacked our suitcases and had a lovely…