6 Dec

Water, water everywhere ….. in 9A

Well with all the rain recently, water definitely has been a theme in 9A!

In Science we looked at how magnetism still worked in water. Pupils were amazed how they could still move the paper clip around in the glass of water using a magnet.

In Art we carried on looking at famous artists and…

6 Dec

Week 5 and 6 in 8P

The last 2 weeks have been busy for us all in 8P!

There have been lots of Christmas themed activities going on, including; Christmas colouring, Christmas performance practice, Christmas crafts and sensory Christmas trays. Writing some Christmas cards and posting them in our class post box for…

6 Dec

A wonderful winter week in Maple class

What a fantastic week we have had celebrating the arrival of winter.

Maple class have explored our local community ,visiting Asda for snack and walking to the park making sure we wrapped up warm in our winter coats .

In class we have been preparing for our Christmas video performance and…

6 Dec

Ducks and Christmas in Beech

What a busy week Beech Class have had this week! 

To end our once upon a rhyme topic, we explored 5 little ducks and twinkle twinkle little star. During our continuous provision, we enjoyed listening to the 5 ducks rhyme, exploring in the sand, glitter and flour and used our fine motor…

5 Dec

10A the final day at Bendrigg

Today was our last full day at Bendrigg. Today has been lots of fun, this morning we went zip lining and then we did bushcraft in the yurt. This afternoon we did archery and then we did indoor caving! We finished our week with a Christmas party. We have so many photos to share when we get…

5 Dec

10P at Bendrigg - The Last Day!


It was our last day at Bendrigg today and what a busy day we’ve had! We started off the morning with another big breakfast before heading down to the sports hall where we all got a chance to go on the swing. Everyone got to choose their own song and our instructors Mel and Jenny swung us…

5 Dec

11A Scrambling Superstars!

Today for our final adventure we visited Kingsdale for some rock scrambling and caving at Yordas Cave. We applied the skills we had learnt on the indoor climbing wall and indoor abseiling in the real world! Once again, everyone worked together as a team to help and support each other face…

5 Dec

10A day 3 at Bendrigg

Today we completed a 5km walk for our DofE expedition. We all took it in turns to read the map and navigate the way and we had a turn being the group leader. The group leaders job was to make sure everyone stayed together, at the start of the walk, Miss Bentham gave us all a number, so when we…

4 Dec

10P at Bendrigg - Day 3

Day 3, time for canoes! It was our second expedition day today which meant it was our turn to do the canoeing. 

We had a good breakfast of pancakes to get us ready and energised before heading over to the store rooms to collect the life jackets we would be wearing. We then hopped on the…

4 Dec

11A Canoes and Campfires!

Today, after a pancake breakfast, we have had a fantastic day canoeing on Ulnswater lake. Everybody worked in their teams to travel around the lake and we enjoyed some team games that were lots of fun. Some of us were brave enough to stand up on the canoes to do head, shoulders, knees and toes and…

3 Dec

10A day 2 at Bendrigg

Today, we have had another great day at Bendrigg, we went canoeing and made our own tea on a camping stove.
We’ve had a brilliant day, and we will share all of our photos and experiences next week, during sharing our learning. We are so proud of everyone for following our trip motto “Give it a go…

3 Dec

10P at Bendrigg - Day 2

Second day done! We’ve had another busy day today and everyone is ready for a good sleep tonight. 

Today we had the first day of our expedition, which meant we were doing our walk. After a big cooked breakfast we headed out in the minibus up to a place called Skelwith Bridge. From there we…