The ‘3 Little Pigs’ Visit Chestnut Class!
Chestnut Class have had a very exciting week learning all about ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials and making pig houses out of straw, sticks and duplo, and pretending to blow them down.
We all decorated a biscuit with pink icing and marsh mellows to make a pigs…

Oak class continue their adventure
Oak class have been sailing through this week in their pirate adventures. We loved alerting our bodies to The Pirate Song; we went forwards, backwards, this way (left), that way (right), up and down, up and down, over the deep blue sea. We even created a few of our own dance moves…
Beech Class explore 3 Little Pigs
Beech class have had a very exciting week exploring the 3 Little Pigs story. We have been builders and explored different building materials, had a great time making houses for pigs using boxes, sticks, straw and bricks. Explored pigs in different materials such as foam, mud and chocolate spread!…

10G technology trekkers!
Wow, what a super trip you had 10G. You did a super job at finding all of the different items of technology in the community. As part of your ASDAN work you are currently working on using technology in the home and community. You were super stars and found lots of different items such as a…

10G’s brilliantly busy week!
10G have had a super start to the summer term. They were all very happy to be back together again and enjoyed telling each other about what they had been up to over the Easter holidays. They enjoyed starting to learn how to play rounders in PE, learning about 2D and 3D shapes and…

11G here again 17/4/21
11G have had a great first week back after the Easter break and we hope you all enjoyed the rest just like we all did.
It’s been brilliant getting back into the swing of things in class and meeting up with all of our friends again.
We have done lots of work and different types of activities…

A super, sunny start to Summer Term in 7A
Wow! What a fantastic start to our new half term in 7A! Our new topic is Happy Campers and we are really excited for all the outdoor learning opportunities to come. If you haven’t yet sent your child in with a change of clothes and shoes, please could you send these in on Monday.
In My…

Things are shaping up well in 8G
8G have hit the ground running as we enter the summer term. This week we have started designing a camper van, learning about shapes, experienced a sensory story about camping and built our Google internet legends. All the pupils have settled well and are keen to carry on learning as full class.

9G are Happy Campers!
Welcome back 9G!
It has been a lovely first week back!
9G settled back in very quickly on the first day. We had a lovely circle time in the morning where we took turns to share out weekend news, played some communication games and had a good catch up! Then in the afternoon we were very…

11R Putting in the Hardwork!
This week in 11R we have been working very hard on our Accreditation.
We have been making a Power Point to explain how we can keep safe in the community, including what to do if we missed the last bus.
In Environmental Awareness we have been planting flowers, raking up leaves and litter…

Willow Class’s month of Ramadan
In Willow class we have been learning about Ramadan, a month of fasting, prayer, reflection and community observed by Muslims worldwide.
Miss Riley explained what Ramadan is and what it means to Muslims. We looked at how Muslims practice their faith during this time and what extra…

Happy birthday to Alfie and Hasan from Willow class!
Willow class want to wish a happy birthday to Alfie and Hasan who both had birthdays on Sunday! We enjoyed hearing all about how they spent their birthdays with their families and enjoyed having the day off to celebrate and see loved ones.
On Monday we had a party for the boys with pass the…