24 Mar

10R Continue To Look At Geography Around The World

Wow what stars!


well done to Jamie for creating a fab pyramid landscape,

                     Joe for a super Stonehenge project

                    Harvey for a wonderful Holland landscape 

                   Callum for a super Big Ben tower.


What great homework projects…

23 Mar

Easter Card Competition

Last week some of the children throughout school got busy to help school enter an Easter competition that Chorley police station is running to win lots of Easter eggs.


The children got very creative making cards with Easter egg prints, finger print Chicks, hand print Chicks and sheep. The…

23 Mar

10G celebrate World Down Syndrome Day!


10G have had a lovely day learning all about World Down Syndrome Day. We read a story all about a girl called Ella who has Down Syndrome. We learnt that Ella can do lots of different things including running, dancing, counting and playing with friends. We talked about all the different things…

22 Mar

Willow class give back to their community

This week Willow class have been giving back to our community helping people and nature.

Willow class put their knowledge about British birds into action by designing and creating some fantastic bird feeders. They make sure the feeders were camouflaged to blend in with the environment and all…

22 Mar

9G Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

Today 9G have been celebrating World Down Syndrome day, and have been looking at what this means. 

We have spoke about what it means to have Down Syndrome, and that it is important that we know it doesn’t stop people achieving what they want to achieve. 

We watched a Sesame Street…

20 Mar

11G Busy week 20/3/21

Yet another busy but also very enjoyable week for the pupils in 11G. It’s so good that we are finally all back together again working hard and having fun.

To carry on with our ASDAN accreditation we have started to plant seeds and bulbs in our newly cleared out raised beds within the poly…

20 Mar

Volcanoes EXPLODE in 7A!

Wow what another busy week we have had in 7A! Take a look at the photo gallery below to see the fun things we have been up to!

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been focusing on our functional skills and learning to tell the time, as well as continuing to work on our individual number…

19 Mar

Maple Class, back together at last!

Maple Class have enjoyed being back together this week.

We have been learning about the story, The Tiger Who Came to Tea. Creating tiger faces with sponges and paint, making sentences abut the story, and enjoying lots of tea party fun.

We have enjoyed exploring our new outdoor area, playing…

19 Mar

Red Nose Day in Sycamore!

Today Sycamore Class have enjoyed celebrating Red Nose Day! 

In class we have our very own Red Nose Day competition; creating and designing a red nose just for us. We were challenged to use different colours, drawings, patterns and to be as neat as we could. To make our challenge even harder…

19 Mar

11R outdoor adventures

This week in 11R we went down to the ditch and on to the playground gym area to sort them out . Together we got the equipment that we needed to use to pick up the leaves and rubbish and what we needed to spread out the blue rubber. One of the groups went down to the ditch and another group went to…

19 Mar

10G = one big happy family

10G are really enjoying being back together and are happy being back as one big happy family. Everyone in 10G wanted to tell you what they like about being back in school again. 

Mason.- I have enjoyed meeting up with my friends again.

Alex LD- I have enjoyed being back in class with my…

19 Mar

Beech class Red Nose Day

Beech class enjoyed a red nose attention autism session using red objects in the box and making a red sparkly nose. Some of us dressed up as super heroes too. A great day well done Beech class. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Ms Goonan, Miss Holden.