2 Oct

9R Autumn 1 Week 5

9R have had a busy but fun Week 5. We explored our senses, using our sense of smell to guess lots of different and unusual things. Then we explored the human body further by researching different organs, and creating a skeleton out of straws. We have been busy reviewing our favourite books, the…

30 Sep

Happy Birthday Mia - Rowan

Happy 11th Birthday Mia!

Mia has had a fantastic birthday today in Rowan class. Mia enjoyed playing pass the parcel this morning with her class friends. And this afternoon Rowan class have had lots of fun making cupcakes!

Have a lovely day Mia from everyone in Rowan…

30 Sep

Virtual Macmillan Coffee Morning


On Friday 2nd October we will be hosting our virtual Macmillan Coffee morning. Pupils can wear their own clothes on Friday for a £1 donation. Each class/bubble will be hosting their own individual coffee morning within class throughout the day and will be inviting parents/carers to join in…

30 Sep

Guess Who? 7A

7A set their own avatars on Purple Mash today and then airdropped them to Mrs Crouch so that we could play a guess who game. Can you guess who is who? 


25 Sep

11G’s week in school 25/9/20

Another brilliant week for both bubbles in 11G this past week , doing and learning  lots of fun things. 

Both of the bubbles had fantastic fun trying out the brand new climbing frame, it was very exciting and they spent ages clambering all over it and trying out all of the different ways to…

25 Sep

Happy Birthday Charlie

Happy Birthday Charlie!

Charlie has a had a great day in class and has enjoyed wearing a special birthday hat! He shared a lovely cake with us all and everyone sang Happy Birthday on the video call! 

Have a great day Charlie! 

25 Sep

Another awesome week for 9G group A and B!

It has been a great last week as two separate groups in 9G! 

Group A

Group A have been busy learning about germs and how important it is to wash our hands. Everyone enjoyed cleaning off the dirty hands in the tuff tray using the squeezy bottle! All the children tried hard to use their fine…

25 Sep

Willow’s last mini bubble week!

What a week in willow class!

This was our last week in our mini-class-bubbles! We spent lots of time playing turntaking friends with our mini-bubble and chatting about how excited we are to be a big class bubble next week. 

We tried lots of different bubble based activities, from bubble…

25 Sep

Week 4 fun in 10G!

10G have had a lovely week. They have enjoyed making their very own playdough, practising their cycling skills, going on schools very own climbing frame, taking part in sensory circuits, played a game of football, had fun making fruit skewers and painted rainbows. What a busy week 10G. We can’t…

25 Sep

Beech's communication blog

This week we have had a busy week settling into our full days. We have been doing some fun sessions of 'what's in the box', we got very excited and engaged well, it was lovely to see. We enjoyed choosing  songs, our favourite this week  was, 'if your happy and you know it'. Some of us have been…

25 Sep

Fun in Sycamore!

We have has lots of fun keeping busy in Sycamore this week. 

  • We have continued our learning of our friends names in our bubbles and our teachers too - we have got much better remembering and saying our friends names when we want to talk to them.
  • We have been out and about exploring around…
25 Sep

Week 3 in Rowan Class

What another great week in Rowan Class! Last week group B had a chance to explore the new climbing frame, and this week it was group A's turn. We were all very excited to see who could do the most climbing. 

We enjoyed our Attention Autism sessions because we were able to get very messy again!…