26 Nov

Daily 1 mile walk in Chestnut Class

To celebrate Lancashire Day on 27th November Chestnut class have been getting active this week by completing a 1 mile walk each day ( this equates to 9 laps of our track) Not only does this support our regulation but ensures we stay fit and healthy and explore the wonderful outdoors too! Chestnut…

26 Nov

5 currant buns

Beech class have been enjoying the 5 currant bun song, we have been exploring the numbers 1 to 5 and some great counting and using our number names. We have had fun in the currant bun shop and have been taking away the currant buns and seeing how many were left.

We also baked our own buns with…

25 Nov

10R Fundraiser for Derian House Children's Hospice

As part of our ASDAN in class 10R, we have been researching Derian House Children’s Hospice. We have completed an ICT research task to understand some of the work carried out by the hospice. We are now selling Gingerbread friends on their behalf. Please see the excellent work of our pupils who…

24 Nov

St Andrew’s Day Celebrations at Astley Park School!

On Tuesday 30th November, we will be celebrating St Andrew’s Day in classes. Some classes will be celebrating this through sensory play with water, some will be focusing on the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, whilst others while be exploring the life of St Andrew using information…

23 Nov

10G Run, run as fast as you can!

10G had a very busy week last week. We loved reading The Gingerbread Man story as part of our Functional English work and we had fun joining in with the repeated rhyme. We got a little messy as part of our Attention Autism session but showed very good listening and found the mess very funny! Our…

22 Nov

Return of Breakfast and After School Clubs

Last week we were delighted to re-open our Breakfast and After School clubs following a decrease in the number of positive COVID cases in school.

Breakfast Club takes place on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8:00am to 8:45am. Pupils can use our special menu to choose from a selection of…

19 Nov

Friendship Week in Rowan Class

We have enjoyed lots of activities about friendship this week. We have shared stories, created pictures of our friends and said why we like them, discussed what it means to be a good friend and made a friendship tree. We are kind and caring to all our friends in Rowan Class.

Have a lovely…

19 Nov

10G Friendship Fun Week

Friendship Fun in 10G 

Today we focused on one of our school values - Kindness.

At breaktime Miss Linde had her kindness spotters out and was looking for those learners in 10G that are kind to their friends by playing with them, including them and having fun with them. 

We played lots of…

19 Nov

10R Friendship Week

10R Have been learning about friendships and how to maintain friendships this week. We have shared our opinions about why our friends are special and ended our week making friendship biscuits.


Happy Friendship Week!

19 Nov

An action packed week in 7A!

7A have had a fantastic week which involved lots of learning focused on their personalised targets which they have all done fantastic with! We have also enjoyed getting out to Astley Park where we have focused on our road safety skills! Well done 7A on a really good week :-)

Mr Frawley

19 Nov

Old MacDonald in Chestnut Class

A Rhyme in Time-Old MacDonald 

Chestnut Class 2021

This week we have been exploring Old MacDonalds Farm and learning all about his animals. We have retold the rhyme in the sensory tuff tray using masks and small world toys, identifying animals and the noises they make! During Maths we…

19 Nov

7P One Kind Word

This week 7P have been focusing on Friendship week - One Kind Word. 

7P have talked about what bullying is and how this can effect different people. We learnt that this can be both physical and verbal. 7P remembered about the Astley Park school values, and how they fit into One Kind…