15 Dec

Lots of Christmas fun in Maple Class!

We have been having lots of fun in the build up to Christmas in Maple Class.

We have all enjoyed our Christmas themed sensology, we explored lots of different things using our senses, we loved tasting the gingerbread! We made melted snowman cards during sharing our learning with our parents….…

13 Nov

Remembrance Day 2023


On Friday, Astley Park School participated in Remembrance Day activities and traditions.

Throughout school, learners were presented with many fabulous activities and learning opportunities to support them experience and learn all about Remembrance Day.

Our Explorers, had ample…

10 Nov

Remembrance Day in Maple

Today in Maple Class we have engaged with learning all about Remembrance Day. We all engaged with activities related to remembrance. We explored a tuff tray with the colours of green and red. We listened to a story and worked on our turn taking to sprinkle poppy petals. We also enjoyed listening…

7 Nov

Maple celebrate Halloween and Bonfire Night!

Maple class had a great start to school! We have celebrated Halloween and Bonfire night, some of us also had our first trip to Space Centre. 

We engaged in Halloween sensory play and engaged with a bonfire night sensology session. We explored bonfire night colours, taste, smells, sounds and…

31 Oct

Halloween Fun

Last year 11G made a Makaton video showing lots of spooky signs.

Have fun practicing your scary signs and share them with your class team.

Happy Halloween 


19 Oct

Black History Month

Black History Month is celebrated in October in the UK and Astley Park School is proud to celebrate Black History Month with a focus on, 'Saluting our Sisters'.  This is intended to build awareness, educate and share lived experiences of Black women.  The theme of ‘Saluting our Sisters’ highlights…

29 Sep

Jeans for Genes Day 2023

On Friday children and staff were invited to wear jeans or blue clothing to help raise awareness and funding for  genetic conditions. Classes all across school engaged in ways meaningful to them, from Jean based crafts and sensory stories, coloured themed Attention Autism to circle time…

29 Sep

Astley Park have been Smashing Stereotypes!


This week classes at Astley Park have been focussing on smashing stereotypes. Stereotypes restrict the ways in which we see ourselves, others and the world around us. They make us jump to conclusions, which can stop us from getting an accurate picture.  We have been learning…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Maple Class!

This week we have had so much fun taking part in different activities. 

On Monday we had P.E in the hall. We explored the different equipment climbing, sliding, and riding on the scooters, didi cars and the scooter boards. 

In the afternoon we used paint and cars to mark make and make tracks…

8 Sep

What a fantastic first week in Maple Class!

We’ve all had so much fun in Maple Class this week.

We’ve enjoyed exploring our new classroom and getting to know our new friends and teachers.

We’ve all taken part in playdough gym and What’s in the bucket with Mrs Gregory.

We learnt about different emotions and found our friends in the…

6 Jul

Primary Awards/Year 6 Graduation 2023

On Friday 30th June we celebrated our Primary Awards and Year 6 Graduation.

Parents and carers were invited to join in the celebrations! The event was streamed in school so pupils and teachers from other classes could also watch. 

Our Year 6 graduates were given certificates, goody bags &…

23 Jun

Sports Week in Maple Class

Maple Class love being active and have had a fantastic time taking part in events for Sports Week! 

This week we have enjoyed sports themed Attention Autism revealing different sports apparatus and learning key vocabulary.

In the outdoor area we have been working on our throwing skills…