1 May

9G’s amazing work from home!

9G have had an amazing week and have done some fantastic work. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of you all. Let’s see what everyone has been getting up to:

Miss Bamber has had some fantastic news. She is going to have a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations Miss Bamber! She has also…

24 Apr

9G Keeping busy at home

9G have had another really busy week at home. Let's see what we've all been getting up to. 

Calum has been working hard on his reading and ICT skills. He has worked hard on a range of tasks on purple mash and education city. He has also enjoyed going for a 3 mile walk and got to feed some…

17 Apr

What 9G have all been up to

Hi everyone. 

9G have had another busy week and have worked very hard. It has been so nice to see all your pictures and videos of what you have been getting up to. 

Alex has been busy making cakes, going for long walks, following Miss Robertson’s breakfast routine and completing some…

18 Mar

9G’s trip to Blackpool Zoo

9G had a wonderful trip to Blackpool Zoo on Monday. We had a lovely time walking around the zoo in the lovely sunshine. We got to see the monkeys, penguins, goats, sheep, rabbits, pigs, lemurs, giraffes, elephants and lots of other animals. We also got to see the sea lion show which we really…

13 Mar

8G End of Week 9 (Spring Term)

Here we are again at the end of another week, this time week 9! It will soon be Summer term, how scary is that!

On Wednesday we kicked off Mrs Fisher's week with a My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson. We began the lesson with a quick brain break, a favourite of 8G, Body Bop. Lots of us love…

28 Feb

8G End of Week 7 (Spring Term)

Welcome back from what I hope was a lovely half term break!

We’ve hit the ground running this week in 8G, lots of fantastic work has been happening.

On Wednesday morning we took part in our second My Thinking and Problem Solving lesson of the week. This started with a quick game of Numicon…

13 Feb

Oak - Children’s World Mental Health Week

Last week Oak Class celebrated Children’s World Mental Health Week through various activities learning about our emotions, our friendships and how it is good to be us!

Miss Cross did different Attention Autism activities, were we named different emotions we might feel, some of us had turns…

7 Feb

Oak - Victorian Day 2020

Yesterday was our first history day of the year and we got to learn all about the Victorians.


Oak class got busy finding out that; 

  • A lot of victorian people were poor.
  • Children would work in the factories.
  • Some Victorian people were very clever and invented things that we still…
7 Feb

9G 's mental health awareness week

This week we have been learning about mental health. We have been very busy. We did some yoga to help us remember that exercise helps keep us healthy. We baked biscuits and made faces with different emotions on using sweet treats! We went in the sensory room to help us to relax and learn ways that…

6 Feb

9G’s Roman Celebration Day!

9G have been fantastic day being Romans today. In the morning we learnt all about Roman Mosaics, who had them and what they looked like. We then made our own Roman Mosaics using glue and different coloured seeds. In the afternoon we then learnt all about Roman soldiers, what life was like for them…

4 Feb

Oak Celebrate Chinese New Year 2020

Last week Oak Class enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year.

We learnt that there are different animals to celebrate the different years and this year, is the year of the Rat. We found out that dragons are used in the parades and do lots of dancing. Miss Woods even told us what animal we…

3 Feb

9G’s PE at the Park

9G have had a lovely afternoon out. We enjoyed using our PE skills to balance on the different equipment at the park. We also did some fantastic turn taking and working together to help each other on the climbing frame and on the swings. We had a fantastic time and played so well together. Well…