Oak Class Week 2
Another busy week in Oak Class, our Emergency Emergency! topic focused on the Police. We have enjoyed ‘Officer George’ the sensory story and have acted out simple rescue scenarios as part of attention autism. We have created fingerprints using paint and made tracks with various sized police…

Emergency Emergency! Oak Class New Year
Happy New Year!
Oak Class have settled back into routine and have been working hard across a busy four day week. We introduced our new Emergency Emergency topic through continuous provision, attention autism and with a People Who a Help us Sensory Story. We have enjoyed exploring Fireman Sam…

Oak Christmas Week
Who ordered snow?
The boys have been marvelling at the weather! We had inside and outside snow exploration sessions.
We have used our fine motor skills to trim Santa’s beard and have explored snow dough. We used all of our cooking skills to bake and decorate yummy cakes too.

Oak Class Adventures
Oak Class have spent lots of time in the community this week. We travelled to Asda and purchased all of our own party food for Thursday’s Christmas party! We checked all of our items off the shopping list, paid and packed our shopping bags independently.
We attended the Boccia & Curling…

Oak Class’ French Adventure
What another fantastic week in Oak Class! This week, we have been studying France.
On Monday, Miss Beck delivered an explosive attention autism session! The boys all engaged well as glitter (red blue and white) and flour balloons were popped. We then explored bigs and small bubbles in class and…

Oak Class’ Italian Adventure
They may not have made it to the World Cup this year but Italy have certainly made it in Oak Class!
The Italian adventure began last week, pupils enjoyed decorating their own pizzas using core boards to make choices, before eating them of course! Pupils have decorated the Italian flag selecting…

Oak Class Friendship Week
Friendship week started on Monday, we all wore odd socks to celebrate differences. Miss Beck and pupils decorated a giant pair of odd socks as part of stage 2 attention autism. Pupils then took turns to create individual pieces of a paper chain. Our continuous provision included pairing socks and…

Oak Class
Wow! What a busy week in Oak Class!
Firstly, we would like to express thanks to Mr Causey and his amazing fund raising efforts! All the boys in Oak contributed to the creation of a thank you card.
We have all engaged well in attention autism this week through stages 1-3 with a firework…

Oak Travel Training
Oak Class have been working hard on travel training this week! We are working towards a trip to Asda to make our own purchases.
Pupils have explored the principles of road safety through attention autism, focusing on stop and go, looking left, right then left again and listening for…

Halloween in Oak Class
Oak class have had a fantastic day celebrating Halloween. The class team dressed as The Wiggles (a class favourite group) and pupils dressed as skeletons and Zombies.
Miss Howarth delivered a Halloween themed attention autism:
Stage 1 Cauldron - wind up eye ball and spider
Stage 2 Dancing…

End of Term Week in Oak
What a great end to the first half-term! Oak class have explored Mexico this week.
Introduced through attention autism and creative activities.
Pupils have accessed enhanced playdough gyms - creating tacos. We are very proud of the boys’ progress in accessing core boards to make choices and…

India comes to Oak class
This week in Oak class we have been exploring India, we have painted flags using the colours of India’s flag, We have made some lovely colourful Rangoli patterns using the numicon, and we’ve read the story ‘The runaway chapati’, using play dough to roll out our own chapati. We had a sensory…