Green means go!
This week Oak Class’ core word was ‘Go!’ Pupils responded to ready, steady, go across contexts including on the bikes.
We have also been studying Handa’s Surprise through song and sensory trays. Some beautiful artwork has been produced by expressing colour and media choices. Some of the boys…

Oak classes 1st week
Oak class have had a fantastic week settling in. We have built some lovely routines and relationships between staff and children, enjoying time on the playground and sensory room. We are so excited for the year ahead! Have a lovely weekend.
Our Lovely George Turns 10

Oaks Funfair at the Beach
This week we have started ‘The Funfair is at the Beach.’ We started by exploring different activities themed around the beach and then joined in with an Attention Autism themed around boats. We took it in turns to sit in a pretend boat, hold a flag and sing a song. We then sat altogether and…

Jubilee Celebrations in Oak
We have started our Jubilee Celebrations in Oak Class today we watched an Attention Autism where Miss Hothersall painted a Union Jack flag using paint, paintbrushes and rollers. We talked about the colours red white and blue and the different shapes on the flag. We then took turns playing a game…

Jubilee Celebrations in Oak
We have started our Jubilee Celebrations in Oak Class today we watched an Attention Autism where Miss Hothersall painted a Union Jack flag using paint, paintbrushes and rollers. We talked about the colours red white and blue and the different shapes on the flag. We then took turns playing a game…

International Women’s Day in Oak
In Oak on International Women's Day, we looked at pictures of women who are special to us, we talked about who we could see in the pictures and then looked for another picture that was the same. The children all recognised their family members who are special to them and liked to look at each…

Chinese New Year in Oak
In oak class today we have learnt about Chinese New Year, we started by attending to an adult led attention Autism where a big Tiger face was made out of paint. We then played animal splat taking turns to splat an animal card and red & yellow paint splatted out.
we then explored different trays…

oak went for a story in the deep dark wood…
Some of oak class went for a story in the forest school area today. They did great walking to the forest school circle and sat on benches whilst Miss Hothersall read a story of ‘The Gruffalo’ with props. We all had a biscuit and then went on a hunt where we found all the characters from the story…

Happy New Year Oak Class
Oak class are very happy to be back at school with all our friends after our exciting Christmas holidays. This week we have done lots of new fun activities and have had a great first week back. We started off our week with Miss Hothersall who read us a very exciting sensory version of 'The…

The one were Oak Class met Alpacas.
Oak Class spent the morning with a very cute and friendly group of alpacas. Together we got to pet, feed and spend time with the Alpacas. It felt very funny on our hands when we fed them and they ate it very quickly. Their fur was very soft and we all enjoyed getting to have a go at stroking…

St Andrews Day in Oak
In oak class we learnt about St Andrews day.
We started by attending to an attention autism where Miss H made a big Scottish flag and then we took turns in a fishing game to make sure we caught all the fish.
we then worked together to make a big Scottish flag using blue and white tissue paper…