5 Nov

A Multitude of Celebrations in Oak Class

It's been a super busy first week back in Oak Class!

At the beginning of the week we welcomed a new friend into our class and he has had a fun week making new friends.

With Miss Hothersall we spent 3 days exploring bonfire night, we engaged in a sensory story about Bonfire Night we banged…

19 Oct

Spooky Season in Oak Class

We started a halloween week in Oak class with spooky Attention Autism class sessions, including flour shaking pumpkins, making fizzy pumpkins and foamy faces. We have then watched stories of Meg & Mog casting spells and made our own in the sensory tray. Mixing colours to make a potion and make…

24 Sep

Macmillan Coffee Morning in Oak Class

Oak class had a Cake-tacular time during our Macmillan coffee morning. We had a special visit from very special Mummies and Daddy's who enjoyed having cake and a brew with us to celebrate the occasion. 

Throughout the day we did lots of fun cake themed activities, to start us off Miss Melling…

9 Jul

Oak Class Awards 2021

This week held our own little celebration assembly for the pupils in Oak Class. All of the pupils received a certificate for being good friends to their peers in Oak throughout this academic year. The pupils’ social skills have developed so much, the children can share, take turns and engage…

2 Jul

Oak Make Sandwich Ship Snacks!

This week in Oak class we made sandwiches that look like ships! We watched Miss Curry butter a slice of bread, add some ham on top, butter some more bread and then sandwich it all together. Then Miss Curry surprised us by making a sail for our boat with a cocktail stick and a slice of cheese! It…

25 Jun

Sports Week in Oak Class 2021

This week we have had so much fun exploring all different types of sports with our class and celebrating Miss Curry’s birthday!


Every morning we have started our day with a dance class. Everyone has had so much fun joining in and learning new moves, even the teachers have been having…

9 Jun

Oak is Summer Ready

Oak class have been enjoying all things summer this week from ice cream to sun cream (please remember to send some into school with your child as well as a sun hat and their signed consent form). 

We made giant ice cream cones with Miss Curry. We used cornflakes for the cone, shaving foam…

7 May

Happy Birthday, Ayah!

We had one day less in school this week but we didn’t have any less fun or learn any less! We also had a birthday to celebrate! We had lots of cake and sang a big happy birthday to Ayah.

We’re continuing to Sail the Seven Seas in Oak Class and we’re still finding treasure in our learning. In…

30 Apr

Oak Class Wear Red

On 30th April, Oak Class wore red inspired by the “Show Racism The Red Card” movement and we engaged in lessons around diversity. 

We read a story called We Are All Different and we saw lots of pictures of how people are all different; some people have curly hair and some people have…

23 Apr

Oak class continue their adventure

Oak class have been sailing through this week in their pirate adventures. We loved alerting our bodies to The Pirate Song; we went forwards, backwards, this way (left), that way (right), up and down, up and down, over the deep blue sea. We even created a few of our own dance moves…

16 Apr

Ahoy, Oak Class!

We’re glad to be back in Oak Class and we’ve got our pirate hats and hooks at the ready for this term, exploring our theme of Pirates! 

We’ve been practicing our turn taking playing a really fun game of Pop-Up Pirates and we did really well at sharing with our friends. We’ve got so many…

26 Mar

Oak Class Celebrate World Down Syndrome Day

On Monday, we wore odd socks in Oak Class to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day which was on Sunday 21st March. We chose the brightest, fluffiest socks we could find and wore them with pride for two pupils in our class who have diagnoses of Down Syndrome. 

We have continued exploring zoo for…