18 Mar

Easter Cards in Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class this week, we made some cute Easter Cards for our familiies.

We squeezed a yellow blob of paint onto the middle of our card and then used a fork to spread the paint out. Once we had done this we stuck on 2 eyes and an orange beak, to make a super cute Easter chick!!! We can't…

18 Mar

Beech class weather week

This week we have been learning all about the weather. We explored ice, rainbow rice,  shined torches in the dark den, cloud paintings and rain pictures. We had some captivating attention autism sessions, we got wet in the rain and went under the brolly whilst singing and listening to thunder…

18 Mar

There’s a lion in Sycamore’s cornflakes

A lion in cornflakes? We listened to the story of The Lion in Cornflakes and had a go at making our own lions. Some of us used paint, some used colours and some of us did cutting and sticking. We all enjoyed making some brilliant lions. Roarrrrrrrr.


Sycamore had a lovely time making…

17 Mar

Rowan class learns about road safety

This week in Rowan class we have been learning about road safety. We have not been able to do any community visits this year so far but we have been practicing our road safety skills in Rowan.

We learnt about Super Cats road safety rap...

"Super Cat's here, so say 'meow'! 

Want to cross…

16 Mar

10R look at the nature around us

This term 10R have been looking at the world, what is natural and what did human make? 

We have waited for a dry day and seized the moment to get our windsocks up and discussed the way the wind was blowing and how we could tell this from looking at our windsocks. 

We then began to…

13 Mar

11G wonderful week 13/3/21

We have enjoyed a wonderful week in 11G , catching up with our friends and classmates and doing lots of fabulous activities.

At the the beginning of the week we began to learn all about woodland habitats, we watched a video about woodland creatures, what they eat and where they like to sleep…

12 Mar

10G are reunited at last!

10G have reunited after three long months apart. We have all really enjoyed being back together again and getting to learn lots of fun new things as a class. We have had a busy first week back. On Monday we completed a workout and a yoga session to help us to stay active. We have also been…

12 Mar

Chestnut Class are Together Again

Chestnut Class have had a lovely week settling back into our routine.

We have enjoyed playing with our friends, exploring our fancy new outdoor area, and getting very busy with fun activities!

We have also been getting glittery whilst making our special cards for Mother's Day. We hope they…

12 Mar

7A are all back together

7A have loved being back together this week. What fun we have had!

On Monday, we spent the day rebuilding our relationships and defamiliarising ourselves with the school routine and expectations. 

On Tuesday, we began refocusing on our number skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving and…

12 Mar

10R make windsocks

As part of our science work on forces 10R have been making windsocks to help us look at the force of the wind and how we can tell which direction it is blowing.  We used our measuring and fine motor skills to help us follow the instructions.  Unfortunately we were so busy making our windsocks that…

12 Mar

11R Reunion Party!

It has been amazing having all of 11R back together again!

We have had so much fun seeing each other and catching up with our friends. Everyone in class came back to school with great attitudes and work ethic ready to learn. 

On Thursday the pupils who have been in school throughout lockdown…

12 Mar

9G Reunite

It has been such a great week having all of 9G back together finally! 

Everyone has done so well, settling back into the routine and getting back into the swing of the classroom. 

This week we have focused on remembering our routines, playing with our friends, and getting back into the swing…