2 Dec

8G learn the charitable Islamic philosophy of Sadaqah.

Today the class had a religious themed lesson in our ‘The World About Me’ session as part of our Autumn term religious focus. We looked at the Islamic charitable philosophy of Sadaqah. 


This means being charitable and helping those in need. We had a whole class discussion about what…

1 Dec

11G Religious events.

As part of our study of religious events, we have been looking at the Islamic pillar of Sadaqah and examining their core value of kindness. 

To do this we first of all talked about all the different acts of kindness and as a class we discussed how we can show kindness to each other. Some of…

30 Nov

7A Week 12 Autumn Term- Hanukkah

Hello everyone, apologies for the delay with our blog! Last week was another very busy week in 7A. On Monday we began learning about the story of Hanukkah as part of our celebration topic (as excited as we all are for Christmas, we decided November was still a little bit early to start our…

30 Nov

Learning in 11G

It has been a very busy week for 11G, practising the song that we are going to be singing for our part in the online Christmas production. We have also been practising signing to the song and when you eventually watch us we are sure that you will agree that 11G has worked hard with fabulous…

30 Nov

Families and stereotypes

Over the past couple of weeks we have been looking at jobs and particular genders considered to traditionally do the role of that job, we linked this into our PSHE lessons considering our family history and looking at the jobs our families have had over the years. We discussed if their jobs…

28 Nov

Maple Class Autumn 2 Week 4

Maple Class have been very busy this week. Learning more about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Following instructions to make a bear face from bread and chocolate spread, and, making and counting cakes to give to the bears. We used instruments to make quiet and loud noises, listening well to…

28 Nov

9R Autumn 2 Week 4

9R have worked hard in all their learning this week. Producing some fantastic writing based on the story The Iron Man, exploring different ways to use chalk to create a galaxy picture, and learning about nutrition values of different foods. We made 2D and 3D shapes out of playdough and created a…

27 Nov

8R’s Poet’s Corner

8R have had a super busy week this week doing lots of amazing work.

We started off the week by doing some super work on time in our maths. We have all been looking at the important times of our day and making sure we can tell the time at these. Everybody worked super hard and have been using…

27 Nov

Under the sea!

This week Rowan class have been learning about sea animals and all things sea related! Our fairy tale story this half term is The Little Mermaid, so our work for the next few weeks will be sea themed. 

For My Creativity we had to rescue different plastic animals from the ice. We had to choose…

27 Nov

It’s nearly the festive season in 8G

Hello to all the 8G followers, 

I hope we find you safe and well. This week we have been looking at the American celebration of Thanksgiving. The pupils learned that this is the start of the festive season and started in 1620 to mark the first year of the Pilgrims arrival. The pupils did a…

27 Nov

Sycamore: Our Shoes Are Made For Walking..

This week Sycamore have got active and taken part in the ‘Walk a Mile’ challenge. We had to walk 10 laps to complete our mile. 

On Thursday and Friday we spent time collecting stickers for all the laps we completed. 

Together Sycamore completed a combined 107 laps - more than 10 miles…

27 Nov

Oak look at Hansel and Gretel

This week Oak Class have moved away from Little Mermaid and have moved to looking at Hansel and Gretel. This week:

  • In My Communication we have explored a new sensory story, exploring the props to help our understanding. We have practiced our reading and writing skills through colourful…