27 Nov

10G, Week of the 23rd November!

10G have had another busy week in school. We have all walked a mile to raise money for some PE equipment for school. We also had a go at matching the body part and organ words to the pictures, made our intestines, worked out what the intestines were for and what happens to the food in the…

27 Nov

9G are Super Stars!

9G have had another busy week this week. 

We have taken part in lots of learning activities, including sight reading and sounds write, practicing our number skills and developing our turn taking skills. We have also been working on listening and speaking to our peers during lego therapy in…

27 Nov

10R Try New Tastes

As part of our ASDAN work some of 10R have been making healthy snacks on Friday mornings. This week pupils were very concerned to learn they were making goats cheese, tomato and olive triangles as they were confident that they didn’t like olives, goats cheese or tomatoes!  
We talked about how…

27 Nov

Willow wishes Kayla a happy birthday!

This week Willow class had our second class party of the year- another new 11 year old!
This Wednesday we wished Kayla a very happy birthday and had a party in the afternoon!

We played musical bumps, don’t drop the balloon and ate some yummy cake that Kayla very kindly brought in to share! 

27 Nov


This week in Beech class we have been learning about ourselves. We have been practicing sharing and playing with our friends. Supported by our dolly role play we explored about self care by washing the babies, brushing hair and feeding them. We have explored lots of different foods and role played…

27 Nov

Chestnut Class exploring toys!

Chestnut Class continued to explore more toys this week. We have been counting people onto a toy bus and labelling how many people are at the bus stop. Some of us got creative and even made our very own bus from a plastic milk bottle, red paint, glue and black card, they looked fabulous!


27 Nov

11R Working Together

11R had a great week last week. We continued to work on our English objectives focussing on punctuation and spelling. We also continued work on our ASDAN Unit - Working as Part of a Team. We split into two teams and agreed our team rules. Each team then set about assigning roles within their team…

25 Nov

Reading Takes You To Infinity and Beyond in 9R

During this term we have had a story every lunchtime before we go outside. Our first book was The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse by Charlie Mackey. In this story we learned all about friendship and looking out for each other and knowing it’s ok to be different. We like the pictures in the…

23 Nov

10G Practise Parenting

10G have been very busy practising to become parents for our ASDAN course. We talked about what we think babies need, what mums and dads need and what isn't needed to look after a baby. We decided that babies needed milk, the mums and dads needed a car seat if they are going to drive anywhere with…

21 Nov

Oak Class: Challenging Gender Stereotypes

This week everyone in school has been looking at challenging gender stereotypes. In Oak class we have been reading a book called ‘The Daddy Book’, a book which celebrates different kinds of dads and highlights the many reasons they are so special. We all really enjoyed talking about our dads And…

20 Nov

Sycamore: Challenging Gender Stereotypes

Today Sycamore have been learning about gender stereotypes.

First we spoke about what a stereotype is - we learned that a stereotype is an idea or view that someone believes that might not be true.

We then enjoyed a carpet time activity watching Miss Cross make outlines of a boy and a girl.…

20 Nov

11R challenge gender stereotypes

This week in 11R we have been learning all about gender stereotyping. We started off by watching a video where we all had to share our thoughts on how people looked and what opinions we formed based on that. Everyone contributed maturely towards the discussion and listened respectfully to each…