3 Mar

St David’s Day!

On Friday 1st March, pupils across school enjoyed learning all about St David’s Day! 

Classes engaged with lots of fun activities related to St David’s Day, some enjoyed Attention Autism sessions and creating daffodils! The pupils enjoyed listening and learning all about St David and Welsh…

1 Mar

A busy start to Spring 2 in Rowan Class

Rowan Class have enjoyed a busy start to the new term.

In My Communication we have been enjoying the sensory story Welcome Home Bear and made some brilliant comments about the different parts of the story.

In My Thinking and Problem Solving we have been learning about measurement, exploring…

1 Mar

8P week 2 (1/3/24)

It has been a busy week for the pupils and staff in 8P. 

We have done lots of hard work and also had lots of fun. 

Unfortunately, the rain meant that we had to use the school transport to take part in our weekly shopping trip (instead of practising our travel training), but we still had a…

1 Mar

11G Week 7 Spring Term

It has been another great week in 11G this week and we are all thrilled to have Miss Greenwood back in class with us!


On Monday morning we continued our Maths work on shape ready for our Personal Progress portfolios whilst those working towards their entry level exams worked on some…

1 Mar

Spring 2, Week 2 in Chestnut Class

This week Chestnut learners have enjoyed learning all about recycling and exploring and sorting different materials which we throw away as part of our recycling topic. We have made Angel Delight, focussing on using equipment to pour and mix, expressing our choices and working out what we need…

1 Mar

Beech class visit Ashurst Beacon

Beech class enjoyed a lovely trip to Ashurst Beacon country park on Thursday.

We walked along the woodland trail, splashed through a small stream, and even found a Gruffalo statue! We then stopped to enjoy our picnic lunch before playing on the play park. We had so much fun!

Throughout the…

1 Mar

10A Nuffield Health Centre Enrichment Programme week 2

This week at the Nuffield Gym Ashley the Personal Trainer had designed a training circuit for the pupils to attempt. The circuit was a combination of a seating weight lift, rowing machine, ski pull, sledge push and lunges. Ashley timed the pupils on each activity and when directed they rotated…

1 Mar

10A Chorley in Bloom, Environmental Awareness

As part of our Duke of Edinburgh Experience we shall be volunteering at Chorley in Bloom.

Today was our first visit and we were greeted by the volunteers, Iris and Jill. 
Our project today was to create our Grass heads, as a group we listened to the instructions and followed them.


28 Feb

Oak class explore habitats

Our topic is habitats and over the past few weeks oak class have been exploring different habitats. This afternoon, some of oak class went outside to collect leaves to stick on our tree in class.

We enjoyed exploring all the different coloured leaves and sticks. 


28 Feb

Pizza party and rice crispy cake party in Oak!

Oak class have been very busy in food tech! One half of Oak class made rice crispy cakes and the other half of oak class made tortilla pizza! 

When our food was ready to eat, we all sat together at the table at snack time and enjoyed the delicious snack we made…

26 Feb

Welcome back Willow class

Willow class have had a great first week back. A group of us went to the library and chose some books, we enjoyed singing with a children’s group that was already in the library. We also made good progress with our house design our ideas! We enjoyed taking part in a sensory story of ‘We’re going…

24 Feb

11G Week 6 Spring term

We hope that everyone had a nice half term. It has been lovely to see everyone this week!

On Monday morning we worked in pairs to create some thank you cards to give to the supermarkets Asda, Booths, Morrisons and Tesco for very generously donating prizes for our Valentine’s Disco before half…