8 Feb

Miss McPartlin last day in 8A

Miss McPartlin’s last day in 8A


Today, 8A has said a farewell to Miss McPartlin as she is having a little rest before her baby arrives at the beginning of March. 8A has been reading a social story together all week to help us with understanding where Miss McPartlin will be after half…

8 Feb

Mental Health week in 8A

Mental Health week in 8A


It was lovely to see 8A learners in school on Monday, wearing green to celebrate Mental Health week . 

This Mental Health week, we are focusing on “My Voice Matters'”, and the class has had several chats, explaining that there are different ways the learners can…

7 Feb

Towns in Beech class

For the final week of our “colour my world” topic, Beech class have been exploring towns.

We’ve created our own houses using recycled materials (cardboard boxes and paper bags), played with toys cars and trains, made “traffic light toast”, and explored lots of town scenes in our trays. In our…

7 Feb

Safer Internet Day 2024

On Tuesday 6th February we celebrated Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.

Our dedicated team of Digital Leaders have been meeting regularly this term to discuss ideas for the day. The Digital Leaders have also spoken to their classmates to find out what they are worried about online, and…

6 Feb

Who Wants To Win £20 Voucher WINNER!!!!!!

Thank you to the 6 parents who enrolled and completed the National College Annual Award in Online Safety for Parents and Carers 2023-2024!

I am sure you found this super helpful- there will be more courses for parents and carers on here in the future!


The wheel has been spun and the…

6 Feb

Safer Internet Day in 7P

This afternoon, pupils in 7P have been learning about using the Internet safely. We watched an powepoint about The Pop Up Gremlins, and talked about how we can keep safe online. We learned the 3 rules to follow if a pop up appears on our device “Stop, Close and Tell”. We enjoyed taking part in…

6 Feb

Rowan Class and the Three Little Pigs

As part of our Homes and Habitats topic this term, we have been exploring the story: The Three Little Pigs.

We have enjoyed participating in the sensory story and helping Mrs Down with the props, signs and familiar phrases. Some of us answered some very tricky questions about the story, and…

5 Feb

Brilliant week in Willow class

Willow class have had a brilliant week. We have been learning about different habitats and did a fun attention autism session on super worm. We talked about the habitats that worms live in and we did a fun worm splat. We have been discussing kindness too and we had a group discussion on what makes…

5 Feb

8A at the Fieldfare.

8A at Fieldfare celebrating Miss McPartlin last week in school.


8A walked all the way to the Fieldfare for our lunch today, to celebrate Miss McPartlins last week in school, as she is leaving for a little rest before having her baby. 

8A was very sensible walking down the big hill and…

5 Feb

9A week 5 term 2

On Monday morning we learnt about mental health week. We talked about how we felt and that our voices matter then we did some mindfulness colouring. After break we did some reading and Sound-write. After lunch we did relax to get ourselves ready for the afternoon. We then made some decorations for…

3 Feb

11G Spring Week 4

Hello everyone, you join us at the end of another action packed week in 11G. 

On Monday we were off to the gym as usual. This week, instead of working against our partner, we had to work with them to complete our team challenge. Each pair had to travel 2km on each piece of cardio equipment,…

3 Feb

Key Stage 3 and 4 at CSSP Panathalon

On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs Fisher, Mrs Banks and Miss Wilkins headed off to All Seasons Leisure 
Centre accompanied by 9 pupils from 11G, 10A and 9P to take part in Chorley Sport Partnership’s 
Panathalon. They were joined by 5 other SEND settings from the local area and took part in 8