26 May

10G Summer term, week 6.

This week we have continued to look at healthy living and we have all increased our daily step target from 7000 to 7500. This is 37,500 steps at school each week and I am proud to say that all children and staff completed this target. Everyone has pushed themselves daily, completing more than…

26 May

8P end another great half term!

Our learners have been working hard again this week!

On Tuesday we went to Aldi to top up our snack box and everyone was fantastic at using the checkout to put some items through and pay for them.

Wednesday was Luca’s 13th birthday and we celebrated with some cakes that he had very kindly…

26 May

Week 6 in Rowan Class

We have had a lovely end to Summer 1 in Rowan Class. Lots of fantastic communication, number work, sensory stories and thinking and problem solving. 

Our garden is now blooming and we are all enjoying looking after the flowers, fruit and vegetables.

We hope you all have a lovely half term…

25 May

9A Half-term treat

9A enjoyed our end of half term treat today! 

They made really good choices during our visit to Burger King and we even got them a treat of ice creams at the end out of the class budget (and we got some for free, wow). 

Amelia had a lovely McDonald’s with Ms Carter and Miss…

25 May

Hurrah for Half Term in 8A!!!

Well we’ve  made it through to half term and it looks like the sun is going to shine for us all to have a well earned rest. What a very busy week we’ve have despite it being a 4 day week for the pupils. We’ve really enjoyed  making lots of junk modelling and have even continued to do this when we…

25 May

9A Buddha Day and Share Our Learning session 2

9A enjoyed having Owen R’s mum and Teddy’s mum join us this week for our SMSC lesson on Buddha Day! 

We enjoyed learning about the Buddha and Buddhism by: 

- watching the Buddha’s story 

- learning about the Buddha, Buddhism and how Buddha Day is celebrated around the world 


25 May

Buddha Day

We have today celebrated Buddha’s birthday across school. Classes have participated in craft activities, research, sequencing, sentence creation and some have accessed meditation. 

Each class submitted lotus flower craft competition entries. The standard was high, many prizes were given! Rowan…

25 May

11R At Borwick Hall Duke Of Edinburgh May 2023

What an amazing time 11R had visiting Borwick Hall.
Day one …The weather was amazing which definitely helped.  We arrived and made our own lunch.
We followed maps, read signs and managed to get ourselves to the top of a very big hill to enjoy the view. While we tucked into our well earned packed…

25 May

11G Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week 11G practiced for their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition at Borwick Hall. We were met by Alex and Sarah who would be helping us throughout our expedition. When we arrived at Borwick hall we had to make our own lunch, Mrs Tolan had bought different fillings for our…

24 May

10R Visit Lever Park!

Today 10R had their first visit to Lever Park at Rivington! We left just before lunch to arrive there for just after 12 o'clock and we enjoyed our lunch outside before we started our walk.

We took it easy today, sticking to the flat terrain alongside the reservoir and we made our way up to…

20 May

10G Summer Term Week 5

Happy weekend, it is forecast to be a scorcher, so we hope you all get to enjoy the sunshine together! It has been a jam-packed week in 10G this week, we have packed so much in! We have had quite a few pupils who have been unwell and have had to stay at home while they recover so we hope everyone…

19 May

7A outside fun 19/5/23

Pupils and staff enjoyed a fun time outside in the fresh air on Thursday afternoon playing on Devonshire road recreation ground.

We found lots of things to do and in particular the swings and roundabout were really popular as was the sand pit. 

It was great to play with our friends as we…