20 Nov

10G Autumn Week 10

Hello to everyone on this very wet Friday! We are all very excited for Monday for our residential visit to Calvert Trust. Mrs Fisher sent some important information to parents yesterday afternoon via email, if your child is attending the residential visit please make sure you read this…

18 Nov

9A Autumn2, Week 3

We’ve had a brilliant week in 9A! 


In our My Communication lessons this week, 9A learnt about verbs. Verbs are doing words, for example, running. One group practised identifying verbs used in the text - “Meg and Mog”, and the other group practised writing sentences using verbs, linked to…

18 Nov

If You Go Down To The Woods Today …… Beech Class

Today, Beech Class were all invited to a Teddy Bears Picnic!

This week our topic has been ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. We have enjoyed exploring bear themed activities all week and today was a very special day!!! We all brought our favourite teddy from home and sat together to enjoy some…

18 Nov

Chestnut - Friendship Week and Children in Need

This week in Chestnut Class we have been focusing on our Social and Communication skills as a part of Friendship week. We have been exploring activities with others and working on developing our tolerance skills accepting others joining us. We have had lots of laughs and smiles during Intensive…

18 Nov

It’s good to be a friend

This week we have been celebrating friendship week. We have been talking about what it means to be a friend and have discussed the different qualities that each of us have.

On Monday this week we wore odd socks to show that everyone is different. The learners in class designed and coloured…

18 Nov

You’ve Got a Friend in Me in 10G

On Monday we all made a friend a friendship band, some of us chose friends in class whilst others chose friends in different class and even a member of staff was given a band.

We decided it was nice when someone does something kind for someone else.

On Tuesday we added to our self portraits…

18 Nov

Children in Need at Astley Park School 2023

What a wonderful Children in Need day we have had around school. There has been a great variety of activities going on around school including sensory, fine motor, learning about why we celebrate the day and dressing up in our favourite Pudsey attire! 

Thank you to everyone who has donated. We…

18 Nov

Friendship week and Community Visits

7P have had a wonderful friendship week! We talked about being kind friends and not being selfish through our story about Stan the star fish! We then made friendship bracelets and wrote words on that we felt were features of being a good friend. Today we have taken pictures of our chosen friend in…

18 Nov

Next Stop….. 8A Please!

Good afternoon all,


Let’s begin with our Star of the week. This weeks winner is the magnificent Jake!  Jake, as always has tried his best all week and been a super friend, but what caught all the teams eye this week was his determination and perseverance when accessing his school swimming…

18 Nov

Pudsey Fun in Rowan Class

Rowan Class supported Children in Need today by exploring all things yellow!

We made Pudsey faces, decorated Pudsey biscuits, did some Pudsey dancing and made some lovely lemon playdough.

Well done everyone, you had lots of fun for a good cause.

Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team :) 

18 Nov

Remembrance in Willow class

This week, as part of our topic looking at different culture, celebrations and festivals, Willow class have been learning all about Remembrance Day. We looked at why we wear poppies and how they were chosen to symbolise the end of the war. In our people of the world lesson we had a look at some…

18 Nov

Friendship Week in Rowan Class

Rowan Class explored friendships this week. 

We enjoyed a sensory story - Simon the Sock, which was all about not needing to be the same as others to be friends. We then mixed lots of ingredients to make a friend: 2 cups of love, sprinkle of kindness, 3 spoons of respect, fun and…