9P Spring Term 1 Week 2 2025
This week in class 9P, we have been busy with lots of different lessons and activities.
On Monday, we have been focusing on our phonics, picture news and reading.
We have also been focusing on our road safety, and with the weather being so bad outside we practised using the car mat in class.…

9P World Religion Week 2025
During World Religion Week, 9P we looked at the different religions and beliefs. Looking at the different Gods and places of worship.
The children watched a PowerPoint and discussed the different beliefs from around the world. Looking at similarities such as the Holy book, places of…

9P’s First week of 2025
We’ve had a fantastic first week back in 9P!
On Monday, we did Phonics, Picture News and PSHE in the morning. They did really well in their decision making activities linked to road safety and social skills. We also made a group decision on where we want to go on our reward class trip before…
A Healthy Frosty New Year in Oak!
A busy healthy and frosty start to the term in Oak Class!
We have all settled back into our daily routine well and have enjoyed exploring the snowy frosty environment this week.
At Asda we have bought lots of fruit and vegetables for our friends to enjoy at snack time. This has helped us…

Welcome to 2025!
Happy New Year and welcome back.
7A have settled back into school life very well this week and what a cold week it has been. 7A have been wrapped up this week enjoying playing in the snow.
During our Nuture Time everyone showed fantastic school values using Teamwork to work together on…

African Art in 7P
Masks from Africa
On Thursday afternoons, Mrs Anderton will be helping in to 7P to teach My Creativity whilst Miss Robertson has time to plan lots of fun activities for the class.
This term, in My Creativity, the learners are looking at African Art.
Mrs Anderton first put on a…

Happy New Year from 10P!
Happy New Year and welcome back from 10P!
We’ve had a busy first week, jumping straight into things on Monday morning with our visit to ASDA. We firstwent around the shop, getting things for breakfast and for our food tech lesson the following day before heading to the cafe to enjoy some…

Beech class explore winter
What a lovely first week Beech class have had. We have settled back into the routine really well, done some amazing communication and are ready for a fun year ahead.
To begin the term, this week we have explored winter. During our continuous provision and attention autism, we explored…
10A - Spring 1 Week 1 - W/B 06.01.2025
Welcome back to Spring term 1 - if we thought last term was busy, we have another thing coming this term!
This week started with Picture News. This week starts the annual Birdwatch, ran by the RSPB. We looked at what the Birdwatch involves and thought about why it is important to track bird…

Snowy New Year in Rowan Class
Happy New Year Rowan Class!
It has been lovely being all back together this week, especially as we have had lots of fun in the snow!
We look forward to a brilliant term!
Have a lovely weekend :)
Mrs Down and the Rowan Class Team

Brothers of Charity 11A visit
Today, Josh and Owen visited Brothers of Charity at Lisieux Hall. They have been tasked with producing a promotional media video to advertise their sensory areas of the venue. They were able to have a tour around the media department and meet with staff and service users. During the afternoon they…

11A Picture News
Today 11A have been exploring picture news. Today’s story was about Karis Musongole a 10year old girl from Manchester who has been starring in the new film Wicked. We watched a news reel showing interviews with the stars of the film and we discussed can everyone be a star.
We discussed what…