24 Jun

Sports Sports Sports!


What a week 7P have had with sports week! We started the week off with our usual dance session with Dave and Dave. We are really getting the hang of the routine and can't wait to show you next week!

This week our sports week has included


24 Jun

Sports Week in Rowan Class

Rowan Class have had lots of sporty fun this week!

We have enjoyed swimming, climbing, walking and bikes. Ball games in the hall and target games in the cage. 

We made some very healthy fruit salads in cooking, and continued our travel training with a walk to Astley Park.

Well done…

24 Jun

Being active in Chestnut Class!

Chestnut class have had a wonderful and active week and have taken part in lots of activities to develop our gross motor skills. We have been accessing the balance bikes and 3 wheelers and practising to navigate around the cones. We have enjoyed climbing and travelling at different heights on the…

24 Jun

Maple enjoy sports week

This week Maple Class have enjoyed participating in Sports Week.

Monday - We had a fantastic time on the bikes in the playground, some of us also played with balls, throwing and catching. 

Tuesday - Our teachers hid items in and outside class, we then had to find the items from a checklist.…

24 Jun

10R Enjoy Sports Week

10R have thoroughly enjoyed their week of sport! 

they have done a range of different sports, some they already knew about and some they haven’t heard of before. All pupils have shown a positive attitude and a good level of teamwork! 

It helps that for most of the week it has been…

24 Jun

9G Sports Week 2022

Sport Week 2022

All this week 9G has been taking part In sports week! We’ve taken part in riding bikes, orienteering, curling, striking and fielding and athletics. We’ve all enjoyed taking part in these activities and the learners have had lots of fun! 

We have shown lots of our school…

24 Jun

7A Sharing Our Learning & Sports Week

Hi all,

Thank you to all our families who participated in Sharing Our Learning last week. It was wonderful having you all with us. We look forward to you all joining us again when we are in year 8. 

This week has seen 7A explore a wide range of activities for Sports Week.  All the pupils…

24 Jun

Lancashire Careers Hub Conference 2022 #inspiringlancashire @InspiraforLife @LancsSkillsHub

Yesterday, Mrs Linde and I attended the Lancashire Careers Hub Conference at Ewood Park. We attended three workshops - Careers in the Curriculum, Encounters with Employers and Experiences of the Workplace. We were able to share some of the outstanding practice that occurs at school, and we gained…

24 Jun

Sycamore Sports Week

Sycamore have had a very active week! We have tried many new activities such as bat and ball games, mini golf and athletics. We have practiced our throwing and catching, our balance skills and our endurance. We showed some great team work through supporting our friends with encouragement, clapping…

23 Jun

Maple Class Visit Asda

Today, Maple embarked on the first of many scheduled trips to Asda! The boys have been preparing for a number of weeks through role play, travel training and social stories. 

The boys checked all roads were clear before crossing and gestured thank you to all drivers who gave way at the…

23 Jun

Sycamore visit Asda for healthy choices

Today Sycamore visited Asda. The children were asked to make a healthy choice from the fruit and veg section; we had some great choices from coconuts to grapefruit and a broccoli. Later, we all had a try of our choices. Some were not very keen on trying the broccoli, others really enjoyed the…

22 Jun

Astley Park Staff get 'Pretty Muddy!'



Everybody at Astley Park School would like to say a HUGE well done and congratulations to three of our amazing members of staff who took part in this year's Pretty Muddy Race for Life at Moor Park in Preston on Saturday 11th June…