1 Jul

Park Fridays in 8A

On Fridays this half term, we have been practicing our road safety skills by walking to the park during Golden Time. This is part of our Travel Training work, which links to our My Community work and also allows us to work on our social skills and independence skills which link to our PLGs. Well…

1 Jul

8A Story Time!

During My Communication lessons this half term, the Adventurers in 8A have been writing a sensory story linked to our Circus theme through group writing. We sat together to talk about what happens at the circus and what we can include in our own story to perform to 9G. We first sat and spoke about…

30 Jun

Willow and Sycamore team up for a Chorley schools sports competition!

On Wednesday, 8 pupils from Willow and Shcamore class attended the Chorley Schools Sports Partnership quad games competition at a local sports hub.

The children took part in a howler throw, standing log jump and a 50m sprint.

Unfortunately we had to leave to get back for buses before the…

30 Jun

Welcome to the 9G Show!

This term 9G have been learning about the Circus. 

In My Communication we explored a circus sensory story before being set the challenge to write our own circus story to perform to 8A! 9G worked together to write a class story, sharing ideas and carefully thinking of roles for everyone. We had…

29 Jun

A Day by the coast for 10R

Yesterday 10R visited Lytham Fairhaven Lake and The Pavilion Cafe. 
We had so much fun on the play park the pupils especially liked spinning Mrs Tolan until she couldn’t spin anymore! Our visit tied in nicely with our Food Technology topic this term of Picnic food, unfortunately…..they went down…

29 Jun

Our Lovely George Turns 10

George turned 10 today ! We played pass the parcel, dancing games, and sang happy birthday with a birthday cake! Happy birthday George !
27 Jun

Teamwork at its best in 11G

A day for amazing teamwork-we created our own pasta bake.

After we put the pasta on to cook- Alex M chopped the onion, Alex L the red pepper, Mason the redone and Calum the green one, Dylan chopped the courgette, Faith chopped the mushrooms, Hayden chopped the pepperoni and Amelia added…

27 Jun

Oaks Funfair at the Beach

This week we have started ‘The Funfair is at the Beach.’ We started by exploring different activities themed around the beach and then joined in with an Attention Autism themed around boats. We took it in turns to sit in a pretend boat, hold a flag and sing a song. We then sat altogether and…

27 Jun

Willow Class Like to Move it Move it!!!

Willow class had a super sports week whilst the sun was shining!!!

On Monday we had the bikes and trikes. We had lots of obstacles to manoeuvre around in order to practise our steering and space awareness. 

On Tuesday we spent the morning orienteering!! We split into small groups and were…

24 Jun

Sports week in Beech

Beech class have had lovely sports week! 

We have made the most of the lovely weather and spent lots of time outdoors. We have had lots of fun playing with the ball games and rocket launchers on the sports court, and enjoyed dancing with cheerleader Pom-poms and twirling ribbons on the…

24 Jun

10G Get Sporty

This week it has been Sports Week at Astley Park School. We have taken part in lots of different sporting activities over the course of the week. We have taken full advantage of the beautiful weather and have spent lots of our time outside enjoying the sunshine.

Monday was our turn for the…

24 Jun

11g having fun in sports week 2022

Oh what a fantastic week we have had.  The sunshine  made our week great. We managed to try all different kinds of things from bike riding to orienteering. You can see by the smiles on our faces we had a ball.