17 Jun

Sycamore class visit Asda

Sycamore had a really exciting visit to Asda. Travelling by bus through Chorley we saw lot of exciting things such as a fire engine, animals and a dustbin wagon! 
We all walked really nicely and followed our instructions, we all had 25p to spend and we had a lovely time choosing our favourite…

17 Jun

Chestnut Class Rainbow Week

Chestnut class have had a very colourful week as we have enjoyed lots of Rainbow themed activities as part of our Rainbow Day celebrations! We have enjoyed sharing photos of our families and finding them in the tuff tray. During Attention Autism sessions we have enjoyed creating our own flag for…

16 Jun

Maple Share Learning

We had some very important visitors in Maple today… 

Mummy’s, Daddy’s and Grandparents! We were all very excited to deliver sessions in person as opposed to via Microsoft Teams!

In the morning, Miss Woods and Mrs Worthington shared an Intensive Interaction session in the sensory…

16 Jun

Maple Rainbow Week

This week we have focused on rainbows. We enjoyed a story all about families, explored in colour themed tuff trays and attended attention autism. We very much enjoyed creating rainbows with skittles and paint. We wore red on Friday and some of us attended the colour parade on the track and helped…

15 Jun

Oak Class Rainbow Week

This week we have focused on Rainbows and families. We started by listening to a story all about different families, we then used our pictures to make our own family homes. In the afternoon we watched Miss make a rainbow during attention autism and then made some smaller ones. Oak class then all…

10 Jun

Let’s get Dancing!

7P were very lucky to have a dancing session on Monday with an ex student of school David! We are very excited for our next session! 

10 Jun

10R start the new term off well.

This week in 10R we have had a brilliant week.
We have tried some new foods and made a list of things we would like to make. We have challenged ourselves to make our cooking a healthy version of those we chose……..no more making soup !!!!!!

We have started looking at our new ASDAN unit and the…

10 Jun

Maple Class Striking & Fielding Festival

Some of Maple Class had the pleasure of attending the CSSP Striking & Fielding Festival at Chorley Cricket Club today! We participated in a carousel of activities alongside other schools. The weather was amazing and we thoroughly enjoyed exploring the area and the activities! All pupils behaved…

10 Jun

7P Final Half Term

7P have been super busy on their first week back to school and our final half term! 

We had a challenge this week where the teachers did not help with a baking task and the learners had to use visuals to work out what to do! 7P did really well with this and successfully made the frozen fruit…

10 Jun

Chestnut class Summer 2, week 1

Welcome back Chestnut Class!


What a fantastic first week back we have had with all this glorious weather as we learn all about the beach and summer time! Chestnut class have enjoyed our new sensory story, ‘Sheldon Snail’s Sunbathing Sessions’ and learned about all the things we have to…

10 Jun

First week back in for 9G

We have had a fun-filled, brilliant week full of positive attitudes towards learning. Starting at the beginning of the week we have created our own workbooks to keep all our fantastic work in, we spoke about the importance of reflecting on your work and being proud of what you have done.


10 Jun

Rowan Class - Summer 2 Week 1

Rowan Class have had a fun and busy first week of Summer 2.

We have enjoyed exploring the bluebots, giving them demands to move in different directions. In PE we have been learning new skills, including egg and spoon and relay racing, we had lots of fun in the sunshine.

This week we have…