21 Jul

Graduation & Leaving Day July 14th 2023

On Friday 15th July 2023 we celebrated our Year 11 graduates.....

Parents and carers were invited to watch our wonderful ceremony. 

Graduates received their certificates & awards in the cap and gowns! 

It was an emotional day all around!

We then celebrated with refreshments and…

13 Jul

Secondary Awards Assembly Friday 7th July 2023

On Friday 7th July 2023 we celebrated our Secondary Award Winners!

Parents and carers came to watch our assembly where children received their awards. Afterwards everyone was invited to stay for a refreshment and cake. 

Congratulations to all our award…

11 Jul

11G Get Chilly

11G had a wonderful time at Chill Factore for their end of year treat. We travelled to the Trafford centre on the Sunshine bus and we went to McDonalds to order our lunch. We then headed over to the Chill Factor to get kitted out in our warm waterproofs and snow boots, then we went into the…

3 Jul

Rose turns 16

On Friday 11G went bowling for Rose’s 16th birthday. As always everyone enjoyed the hospitality at Escape Venue, especially the yummy food.

We were BOWLED over by the wonderful manners of each and every member of the class, making us proud as always. 

We had a fantastic time!

A big…

30 Jun

11G Fundraising Hero’s

As you may remember 11G did a Triathlon a few months ago to raise money for Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Today a lady called Yvonne from the charity came to school to take some photographs and to collect the sponsorship money. 

We raised £600 for this wonderful charity. 


11G you are…

23 Jun

PROM 2023


What a day! 

Pupils had an amazing day yesterday, celebrating their end of an era. Everyone looked amazing and very grown up. 

We started the day with some nibbles and photos from the professional photographer, we then showed off our glam and glitz with a parade around the track…

21 Jun

Summer Fair Saturday 17th June 2023

On Saturday 17th June 2023 we hosted our annual summer fair!

We are proud to say we raised over £2752! And we still have a final few amounts coming through! This was the most we have ever raised at an event! Thank you so much to all the families and staff who attended and helped us achieve this…

20 Jun

Summer Fair Business Donations

Thank you so much to the following business' for supporting us with our Summer Fair! Your generous donations were greatly received and we used as Bingo or Raffle Prizes!


* All Seasons Leisure Centre Chorley donated a family

* Bowland Wild Boar Park donated a family day pass

* Chill…

16 Jun

11G Duke of Edinburgh Expedition

11G took part in their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition this week. They all worked really hard and were amazing. 

On Tuesday we travelled on the school mini bus to Borwick Hall where the pupils made their own lunch, they each made a sandwich, then chose some crisps, a chocolate bar, some fruit and…

25 May

11G Duke of Edinburgh Practice Expedition

On Tuesday and Wednesday this week 11G practiced for their Duke of Edinburgh Expedition at Borwick Hall. We were met by Alex and Sarah who would be helping us throughout our expedition. When we arrived at Borwick hall we had to make our own lunch, Mrs Tolan had bought different fillings for our…

19 May

11G complete their amazing Triathlon

This afternoon the pupils have complete their Triathlon for Rosemere cancer foundation. We visited All Seasons gym and the pupils went on the different pieces of equipment, treadmill, cross trainer, rowing machine and the bikes to make up their kilometres. 

Everyone was amazing and took it in…

18 May

11G Continue their Triathlon

On Thursday afternoon 11G went to Astley Park to take part in their 30k walk in  aid of Rosemere Cancer Foundation. 

Some of the pupils walked around the perimeter of the park, meeting up halfway round at the cafe. While the others walked up to the cafe and back to the entrance. 

We all…