10G’s Super Week
We have had another super busy week in 10G.
In English this week we have continued our Autumn theme and heard a story all about a sleepy acorn. We worked super hard and used Colourful Semantics to help us write sentences about the story.
In Maths we have been working on our number bonds.…

Amelia turns 16 - 11G
11G have had a great first week back. They have all thoroughly enjoyed being back together and have enjoyed playing new games with one another. They have been on the climbing frame, been on a scavenger hunt, practised their reading skills, practised meditating, worked on their maths skills…

10G Rock their First Week in KS4
What a fantastic first week in 10G. We have been undertaking lots of fun activities to settle back into the school routine and get to know our new teachers.
We were very excited to get our 1-1 iPads and we had lots of fun exploring the different apps and personalising the Home Screen.
We made…

Welcome to Beech class
What an exciting first week on Beech class. We have explored all areas of our classroom inside and out and been on lots of walks around the school. We have made lots of new friends and we are looking forward to more excitement in Beech Class.

Holiday Heroes Group 2
We have had a wonderful last week of Holiday Heroes.
On Tuesday we went swimming, we swam, we splashed, we used the floats and we had so much fun! After lunch we went on the bikes, we found the perfect bike for each of us and enjoyed cycling around the yard and on the track.

‘Holiday Heroes’ Group 1- Week 4
Group 1 have enjoyed a fantastic last week at Holiday Heroes. We had another visit on Tuesday from the Music Carousel ladies. We all had great fun playing our musical instruments to the music and especially hiding under the parachute at the end. In the afternoon we had a trip to the Space…

Holiday Heroes Group 2 Week 3
What a busy week Group 2 have had this week!
On Tuesday we were really lucky to have the Creepy Crawly Roadshow come to visit us. The lady brought lots of wriggly friends with her, we enjoyed taking it in turns to hold or touch them. We were all very brave!
In the afternoon we played on the…

Holiday Hero’s Group 3 Week 3
This week we’ve had some lovely weather and made the most of it by spending lots of time outside. On Tuesday, Mrs Mahood drove us all the way to Skelmersdale where we had a great time in the pool with lots of lily pads and noodles. We were all really hungry after swimming so some of us enjoyed a…

Holiday Heroes Group 1 Week 3
Group 1 have enjoyed another fun filled week at Holiday Heroes. We had some surprise visitors on Tuesday, The Creepy Crawly Roadshow! We met tarantulas, snakes, a millipede and a giant snail! They were amazing! After this we enjoyed lots of singing and dancing with Carousel, we are getting very…

Holiday Heroes Week 2 Group 2
On Tuesday we went swimming to Nye Bevan Swimming Pool where we had lots of fun in the pool, splashing and playing.
When we came back to school we had lunch and played on the scooter boards in the hall. We finished the day in the sensory room where we relaxed ready to go home.
On Thursday we…

Holiday Hero’s Summer club week 2
Well what another exciting week!! We have been dancing, singing, bouncing, sliding and so much more. We had a great visit to Space where we enjoyed the lights, the slides and the interactive activities. We then also had a visit from Carousel where we enjoyed some great music, singing and dancing…

Holiday Heroes - Week 2, Group 3
Group 3 have had another action packed week this week!
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have Carousel come in to do some work with us all about music. We looked at the different rhythms we could use, using our hands and then use those rhythms on a drum, which we played to a song as a whole…