7A Pizza makers
This Monday morning 7A made pizzas for a family member at home.
After they washed their hands, 7A spread out the tomato puree on the pizza base and grated the cheese and sprinkled it on top. They were very sensible grating the cheese.
Then 7A put on the chosen toppings, picked by…

9R It’s Coming Home (fingers crossed)
We have had a football themed week this week.
We have worked independently using book creator on our iPads to make a presentation about a country of our choice from the Euros.
We had to find the flag, find the country on a map and highlight it and then find some interesting facts - who knew…

What a Great Day for 10R !
For our end of year treat 10R went out for lunch at ‘The Astley’ where we had a lovely meal and were very well looked after by the staff, so a big thank you goes to them. 10R represented Astley Park School brilliantly we and we are so proud of each and every one of them. On the way back we walked…

11R's Final Week
Well what a week it has been. On Wednesday we celebrated all our achievements whilst being at Astley Park School through our Graduation Assembly. Our parents loved the assembly and there were tears all round.
It was fantastic to see everyone in their suits and dresses. They all looked so grown…

7A are looking forward to Year 8
Well our last full week in 7A has come around so quickly. We are looking forward to a few days of celebrations next week but this week in My Communication we have been thinking about what we are looking forward to in Year 8. Most of us are looking forward to moving to a new classroom and…

It's Coming Home!!
Maple class have been very excited about England and have had a super time celebrating! We found a football shirt in our treasure chest and bopped a football balloon around our group whilst we sand "It's coming home!" We have talked about how exciting and special it is that we have reached the…
Chestnut Class Enjoy Summer
Chestnut Class have been getting in the Summer spirit this week.
We have made some super summer crafts that we are going to take home!
We have all made a colourful sun catcher with tissue paper, paint and stickers.
We then made a big yellow sun and chose different coloured rays to stick…

Beech class explored all about summer, playing with the beach ball, eating ice cream paddling our toes in water and playing in the sand pit.
gallery:Beech classes summer activities}

Oak Class Awards 2021
This week held our own little celebration assembly for the pupils in Oak Class. All of the pupils received a certificate for being good friends to their peers in Oak throughout this academic year. The pupils’ social skills have developed so much, the children can share, take turns and engage…

Sycamore share ‘The Snail and The Whale’
Sycamore have had a wonderful afternoon sharing their learning from the summer term and would like to thank the family members who were able to join us today for our Sharing our Learning event.
We shared a video of all our hard work on the story of ‘The Snail and The Whale’ and…

Sycamore are hoping for a win!
This week we have been very busy in Sycamore class, we have all be focussing on our own personal targets whilst looking at our progression over the year and all of our achievements. We have looked at our writing, our Colourful Semantics and using a task schedules to be in charge of our own…

Happy Birthday Chris!
Willow class have had a fantastic start to the week.. celebrating Chris’s birthday!
Today Chris turned 11 so we decorated the classroom and got ready for an afternoon party, celebrating with Chris!
First we played pin the tail on the donkey.. but with a twist! Chris chose one of his…