8 Jan

Snowy Fun in Chestnut Class

Happy New Year Everyone!

What a busy first week back in Chestnut Class!! We have been getting creative and exploring Winter trays.


Alex really enjoyed making a egg carton snowman and playing book shop with Miss Howarth. 


Benedict loved playing out in the snow with Mrs…

8 Jan

Welcoming Miss Howarth to Chestnut Class

We have brilliant news for Chestnut class- this week we have welcomed a new member of staff to our team- Miss Howarth. We are all very excited and the children in school have enjoyed getting to know her. Miss Howarth can’t wait to meet everyone who is learning at home and would like to tell you a…

8 Jan

Willow Class welcomes new team member, Mrs Smith!


We have some exciting news for Willow class- this week we have welcomed a new member of staff to our team- Mrs Smith! We are all very lucky and the children in school have enjoyed getting to know her. Mrs Smith is very excited to meet everyone who is learning at home and has written you a…

8 Jan

Let it Snow, let it snow, let it snow in 9R

What a strange start to a new term - snow and entering into another lockdown. This week 9R have been busy in school. We have had to get used to being only half a class and while it’s been quiet we have definitely missed the chatting and laughing that comes when we are all in school. We have used…

8 Jan

Sycamore’s first week back

So we have had a nice first week back in Sycamore...We are settling back into a routine after a busy Christmas.

We have taken full advantage of the snow this week by sledging down the ramp and throwing snowballs which has been great fun but cold! Hope you have all managed to have some fun in…

8 Jan

Rowan use the Numicon shapes

We hope you have all had a good Christmas and are enjoying the snow. 


This week in Rowan class we have been working on our Numicon skills.


Grace has done fantastic Numicon she has been using the shapes to help with her addition. Grace participated for the whole group session and…

8 Jan

A big welcome to Miss Armstrong and Mrs Baxendale

As we say goodbye from Oak to Mrs Simpson and Miss Branfield we are also saying a big welcome to Mrs Baxendale and Miss Armstrong. 

Miss Armstrong has previously worked at Astley Park but has been on maternity leave for the past year, she has welcomed a little girl called Jessa and is now…

7 Jan

8G welcomes new teaching assistant, Natalie Pilkington.

8G have a new member of staff, Miss Pilkington. She’s already a firm favourite with many of our pupils, as she’s actually been working in the class since October, as a temporary member of staff through an agency. The good news that we can now share is that Miss Pilkington has accepted an offer to…

18 Dec

Happy Birthday Owen and Ms Carter!

Over the Christmas holidays, Owen and Ms Carter will be celebrating their birthdays. Today we enjoyed some cake and sweets to celebrate at snack time. We hope you both have lovely days. 

18 Dec

Happy Birthday Hayden!



Happy Birthday Hayden! We hope you had a lovely day and enjoyed eating your birthday cake and liked your presents. From everyone in 10G!  

18 Dec

Happy Christmas from 10R

What a busy end of term we’ve had in 10R!  As part of our ASDAN work we have made strawberry Santas and stitched Christmas tree decorations. 
On Thursday we had a fantastic sharing our learning session where the students tested the parent’s Christmas knowledge by challenging them with a Christmas…

18 Dec

Christmas activities in Willow class- party lunch, sharing our learning with Christmas bingo and photo booth fun!

Willow have had a lovely couple of weeks of Christmas activities!

Some of the magical moments we want to share are:

  • Christmas dinner in class
  • Christmas party lunch where we all had a McDonalds
  • Christmas bingo in class where we invited families to share our learning
  • Christmas photo…