15 Jan

11R Environment Experts!

This week in 11R we have been learning all about the environment. The learners at home joined the class via TEAMS to discuss Mrs Linde's lesson on things that harm the environment. Logan and Steven worked very hard on their ASDAN Powerpoints to show the effects of climate change and what we can do…

15 Jan

Oak Class go to space!

This week Oak class have been very busy learning with their teachers in school and their mums and dads at home. Although we are not all in school, we have been able to see some of our friends on two Teams calls. On Monday's call Miss Curry read a very exciting story about Yoff, Zid and Mab (three…

15 Jan

9R are reunited online

We have had another busy week in 9R. On Monday we looked at art by soldiers in WW1 and we chose the piece we liked best and had a go recreating it using charcoal and pastel. We have listened to a story called A Bridge on Fire about a girl called Kat. On Tuesday afternoon we had a teams meeting. It…

15 Jan

Chestnut Class Have Been Busy at Home and at School!

Wow, what a busy week Chestnut Class have had!! 

Alex did great work on Education City, did lots of reading, and loved playing on the scooter board. Benedict did lovely vocalising during Intensive Interaction with Miss Beck and has made fantastic progress during his changing routine. George…

15 Jan

9G Split Success

Hello all of 9G, both at home and school! 

Can I just say you have all been amazing considering the changes we have had this week! Those in school are also learning a little differently than those of you at home and you have all embraced the challenge! Well done!

Learners in School


15 Jan

Week 1 6 Star Challenge

What a great week you have all had. Everyone at Astley Park School has done an amazing job at completing our first 6 star challenge of 2021. We have had some great pictures of what you have all been getting upto. The challenges were how many squats can you do in one minute, colour in the…

15 Jan

Rowan Class have been working very hard!

This week Rowan Class has been working very hard in school and at home! It has been lovely seeing our friends on Teams.


This week Adam has been looking at Money, he has been working on recognising coins and using them to buy the goods of his choice from the class shop. Great Work…

13 Jan

Looking after our well-being with yoga

For PE lessons this term we are trying yoga.  This weeks lesson focussed on breathing and how it can help you channel your attention and relax.  
Those of us in class enjoyed our yoga session and found it relaxing even though some of the poses were challenging!

We hope those of you learning…

8 Jan

7A Let's Go to the Movies- Week 1

Hello everyone!

What a funny old week it has been this week! We hope that all of you are keeping safe and well and that you’ve all had a good rest over the Christmas holidays.


Boris announced on Monday night that schools were to close so we have found ourselves with half of you in…

8 Jan

Spring week1 10g

This week has been different in so many ways. We have had to work from home. But at least we have had the snow to play in.  Mrs Jones has had lots of snowy walks with her dog Winston, Mrs McShane has been building snowmen with her grandchildren and Miss Robertson has been doing lots of exercises…

8 Jan

9G Welcome Mr Stokes and have some snow fun!

It has been lovely to return this week, however it has been a little bit different for all of us!

In this blog I just wanted to share some of our positives from the week.

We are very lucky to have Mr Stokes joining us in class. Before the holidays Mr Stokes had spent some time with us so has…

8 Jan

8R’s first week of 2021

Happy new year everybody!!

8R have had a busy and fun filled first week back in school.

We are missing all the people who are learning from home this week but it was so lovely to see them on our teams calls on Friday! We also had a very, very special visitor on our teams call with Jenny.…