18 May

7A learning to look after ourselves and our friends!

This week in 7A we have been learning the importance of looking after our bodies and how we can look after our friends. 

The children have been following on from last week with first aid training. This week we discussed and practiced the recovery position and the steps we need to take before…

17 May

Happy Wesak!

On Monday, all pupils celebrated Wesak (Buddha Day). The Buddhist festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Pupils explored the story of Buddha in ways appropriate to their pathway and worked hard creating mandalas which were entered into the APS Mandala Contest, the…

16 May

10R say Happy Wesak!

Today 10R made some beautiful cards for Wesak. 
We followed instructions to make the card as part of our celebration of Buddha day.

The class coloured in some Mandala and we talked about how we are all unique as our lotus flowers and Mandala are unique.

we learned that Wesak celebrates the…

16 May

Willow, sycamore and Rowan class share golden time with new friends!

This Friday was very exciting for the older primary children- we had a joint golden time in the hall!
Children from Willow, Sycamore and Rowan have been thinking about the transition to high school (or our friends transitions while we get some new friends in class) so we were all very excited to…

13 May

Beech class summer term week 4

A brilliant week in beech class this week. We have looked at happy and sad for mental health week and some of us wore green for mental health day today. We have had some ice and snow attention autism sessions and a special one for mental health day. Lots of exploring and fun in our continuous…

13 May

7P talk about right or wrong actions as part of mental health awareness week!

7P have worked so hard this week! You can see a variety of pictures below of circus skills, role play, going to the shop, playing games and cooking! 

We have focused this week on Mental Health Awareness Week and Loneliness. 7P were able to recognise right and wrong actions around this topic…

13 May

Rowan class ‘ Go Green ‘ For Mental health awareness week

Today we explored Mental health awareness & looked at loneliness and how we could help our friends when they felt sad. We had a lovely day creating green biscuits, cards &  friendship bracelets that we gave to our friends.
We looked at the story “Larry’s left out” & talked about how we could…

13 May

11R Open their ‘Air Bee n Bee’

This week 11R have continued with their Environmental Awareness work in ASDAN. We took on the project of creating a bug hotel. To begin with we did some research and made a list of materials that would be needed to be gathered from around the school grounds. We had already got some pallets and…

13 May

Mental health week in 11g

11g have had a fantastic week looking at our own mental health. We have been outside getting lots of fresh air, riding bikes. We helped out keeping our school clean and tidy. We where give a box of chocolate in appreciation for helping out. Which did our mental health the world of good…

13 May

9R First Aid

As part of Personal, Social Development and Life Skills, 9R spent a lesson learning about First Aid and in particular how to place a casualty in the correct recovery position.

Mrs Lea showed the class her First Aid uniform that she wears when doing voluntary work outside of school and then she…

13 May

10G Share their Learning

What a super morning we had today! 10G invited their parents into school to join in with their morning. We thoroughly enjoyed sharing our morning cafe where, as always, the learners had their own job roles. We also introduced a new role that we have been working on in small groups, which is making…

13 May

Mental Health Week in Maple Class

This week for mental health awareness week Maple Class have been seeing what makes our engines just right and what makes us feel happy. Some of Maple Class did an attention autism, Miss Woods pulled out different objects from the bucket and we said if they made us happy or sad. One of the objects…