23 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians

Hi Everyone

Welcome to Tuesday’s blog. Today we will be looking at Paralympian Jonnie Peacock, a sprint runner and amputee, who ran in the men's 100 metres representing Great Britain. Please click on the link to watch the event where Jonnie Peacock not only won gold, he broke his own world…

22 Jun

Beech Class Zoo week

This week in school we have been learning about zoo animals. We have fed food to a snake, matched patterns to animals, painted animals, played with animals in straw, sang songs, made elephant biscuits and read the Dear Zoo story. We have explored animals that live in the cold including melting…

22 Jun

Sports Week Special Six Star Challenge

NEWSFLASH - We have updated the awards criteria so anyone who tries a challenge will get a bronze award

22 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians


Hi Everyone

Welcome to Monday's blog, this week at Astley Park school it is Sports Week, there are going to be different activities everyday that you can join in with at home and have some fun with family members

The Paralympics is a series of…

19 Jun

Learning from home 19/6/20 10G

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all keeping well and safe and finding lots of fun and interesting things to be doing at home...certainly from what you were showing us and talking about on last week's class video meet it sounds like you are all enjoying finding lots of things to do. 

I have been…

19 Jun

7G Learning from Home Week 12

Hello everyone!

I hope you are keeping well and staying safe! We are on week 12 of learning at home. I can’t believe it! It has been so long since we were all together!

Six Star Challenge

I would like to say “Well done” to Joshua and Eshan who both earned 4 stars this week! I would also…

19 Jun

Happy Birthday Oliver!

Tomorrow is Oliver’s birthday..

We hope you have a great day and had lots of fun with Mummy, Daddy and Thomas.
Miss Cross, Miss Woods, Mrs Banks and Mrs Simpson send lots of happy birthday wishes to you, and I am sure your friends do too.

Happy Birthday Oliver! 

19 Jun

8G Learning From Home (Summer Term- Week 8)

Hello everyone!


Here we all are again at the end of another week. Can you believe we’ve only got 5 more weeks until the summer holidays?!


You should have all received your activities for this week and next (week 8 and 9) that are all based around the book Green Eggs and Ham. We…

19 Jun

8R Chefs in the Making

This week in Cooking and Nutrition we decided to try an old family recipe of Mrs Devlin's, Caribbean Chicken and Rice. Our 8R chefs worked hard at chopping the tomatoes and onions( despite not liking the fact the  onions made some of us cry) before adding the chicken and lots of different…

19 Jun

A zoo’s life in Chestnut class- in school learning

Chestnut class have been so busy this week in school getting creative and learning all about different animals that live at the zoo.
We all loved exploring different patterns, matching animal prints and creating snakes from colourful patterns.

Mrs Worthington read the story 'Dear…

19 Jun

Rowan - What has everyone been up to?

What have Rowan class children been up to?

This week Rowan class had their first Microsoft Teams meeting and we got to say hello to each other. Everyone really enjoyed seeing their class friends and we are going to do it again next week!

Well Rowan let's have a look at what everyone has been…

19 Jun

Sports Week 2020

We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.

What we will be doing

  1. There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or…