27 Jun

8G Learning From Home SPORTS WEEK (Summer Term Week 9)

Hello again!


Here we are at the end of another week. We have just finished our 6th video call together- a food themed Kahoot! Quiz (to link with our Great British Bake Off theme). A big thank you to Mr Massey for letting me pinch his quiz. I hope you all enjoyed playing along, a big well…

26 Jun

Learning from home 26/6/20 10G

Hi everyone,

Well, what a fabulous 6 star challenge  sports week it has been...everyone seems to have had such a fun time taking part in lots of different sports either in school or at home. 

It was great fun every morning watching the daily challenge online and then taking part in it as…

26 Jun

Oak Get Active At Home

Week 14 has been a very busy and active week for some of our learners from Oak class. It was Sports Week, so Mrs McDonnell and Mr Murphy planned lots of activities and challenges. Oak class teachers even set Oak some of their own sports week challenges too.


Sports Week - Week 14: 

26 Jun

Oak - Learning from Home: Week 13 & 14

Hello everyone! 

We hope you are all being safe and enjoying the sun with your sun hats and sun cream!

Let’s have a quick catch up from our 13th and 14th week learning from home.

Learning from Home - Week 13 & 14: 

  • Ethan has done more reading, writing and maths work. He enjoyed…
26 Jun

Sports week in Chestnut Class

This week in chestnut class we have been celebrating sports week and getting busy using our bodies. 
On Monday we practiced our ball skills , the children did some super throwing , rolling , catching and hitting a ball.  We used our fine motor skills and enjoyed cutting up some vegetables. 


26 Jun

Secondary Lunchtime Clubs

Just because we can't all be in school together doesn't mean we all join in together doing things we enjoy.  Lunch clubs have been setting some activities for pupils to get involved with and it has been lovely to see pupils joining in.  Here's a summary of what we've done so far:

Film club were…

26 Jun

Sports Week 8R 2020

This week we have been following our Sports Week learning and Six Star Challenge. We started the week with our Teams meeting which involved a scavenger hunt so got lots of you running around your houses to find items. Mrs Down gave us instructions and we had to quickly find an item to fit the…

26 Jun

8R Baking with Miss Zara.

This week in Food Technology Miss Zara brought in her favourite  cup cake recipes - carrot cake and chocolate. We didn't cheat and use a packet mix  but made them using lots of different ingredients including the frosting. We made lots of mess but had great fun. We especially loved using the…

26 Jun

9Rs Class Quiz

Following last weeks successful scavenger hunt this Thursday we challenged 9R to take part in a quiz as part of their Teams meeting.  The pupils were shown a number of famous logos on screen and had to name the food, TV show, shop or product that the logos belonged to.   Everyone did really well,…

25 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians


Hi Everyone 

Welcome to Thursday's blog, today we will be looking at the Great Britain Swimmer, Ellie Simmonds, who won the gold medal at the Paralympics and beat the world record by 2…

24 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians

Hi Everyone

Welcome to Wednesday's blog. Today we will be looking at the highlights of some of the Volleyball Teams that competed in the Paralympics. Volleyball is a very fast and competitive sport and you have to work together as a…

23 Jun

9G are keeping busy at home!

9G have been keeping very busy at home. They have enjoyed seeing one another on our TEAMS video chats and particularly enjoyed our show and tell session and our morning group session. 9G have also been keeping busy working on their maths skills, reading Roald Dahl books, our Supertato story,…