10 Sep

7A have an explosive first week back !

7 A have enjoyed lots of fun on their first week back to school. 

We have looked at places around the world and enjoyed doing some research on the class iPads to find out what animals live in these areas of the world . 
On Thursday we had a little art competition going between Mr Frawley…

13 Jul

7A Celebrate Belated Year 6 Graduation!

This morning Mr Welsh surprised the pupils in 7A with a belated Graduation celebration.

We all went over to the Moving On building and had our photos taken with our caps and gowns on. Then Mr Welsh treated us to some lovely gift bags filled with goodies to take home.

A big thank you to Mr…

13 Jul

7A Pizza makers

This Monday morning 7A made pizzas for a family member at home.

After they washed their hands, 7A spread out the tomato puree on the pizza base and grated the cheese and sprinkled it on top. They were very sensible grating the cheese. 

Then 7A put on the chosen toppings, picked by…

9 Jul

7A are looking forward to Year 8

Well our last full week in 7A has come around so quickly. We are looking forward to a few days of celebrations next week but this week in My Communication  we have been thinking about what we are looking forward to in Year 8. Most of us are looking forward to moving to a new classroom and…

5 Jul

7A Summer Term Week 11

It has been assessment week in 7A this week so we have all been working hard to complete our assessments and mastering our Personalised Learning Goals.

This week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning we have been practicing our Maths skills in My Thinking and Problem Solving- completing our…

25 Jun

7A Get Active for Sports Week!

Here is what 7A have got up to this week for Sports Week!


Monday was our first day of Sports Week. We got off to a fantastic start by joining in with a warm up with Mrs McDonnell on Teams. We all stood up and followed her lead, she kept us wanting more so when she finished Connor and Josh…

18 Jun

7A Celebrate Italy Day 2021

7A have really enjoyed Italy Day. We all remembered to wear colours from the Italian flag and enjoyed Italy themed sensory play and learning all about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Mrs Crouch told us some interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa and then we worked in teams to try and create…

16 Jun

7A Residential Awards 2021

This afternoon we hosted a Sharing Our Learning virtual event to celebrate the fantastic achievements of 7A from our recent residential trip to the Anderton Centre. Thank you to those parents who were able to join us for the event. For those of you who were unable to join today, please see the…

9 Jun

7A Anderton Centre Residential Day Three

Today 7A have returned home from residential but before we left we had a wonderful breakfast and some more time on the water, open-raft canoeing. It was windy on the water today so we really had to use our muscles to paddle! It was lots of fun and everyone worked together well again. 

We are…

8 Jun

7A Anderton Centre Residential Day Two

Hi everyone, 

We have had another FANTASTIC day in the sun on our residential. Everyone has challenged themselves again. I’m sure we will have some proud parents and family members when you see the photos below! 

This morning we played team games, including parachute activities, a ball…

7 Jun

7A’s first day on Residential

7A have had a very exciting day today! We arrived at the Anderton Centre after dinner and listened to a very important safety talk so that we knew what we need to do if we hear a fire alarm. Then it was time to check in, can you believe that we had to make our own beds! It was very interesting…

19 May


7A have been extremely lucky today! After our visit to the Anderton Centre this morning, Daniel's Mum very kindly offered to buy the pupils and staff a chippy lunch to celebrate Daniel's birthday last week.

7A are very grateful for this act of kindness and have made Daniel's Mum a lovely card…