17 Mar

Mr Men, Little Misses and eco warriors in 7A!

This week we have been very busy in 7A.

On Monday we worked very hard on our number skills and also made some lovely Mothers Day cards, we hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them! 

In Mrs Wells lesson on Wednesday we talked about our picture frames and what they would look like,…

10 Mar

7A Residential 10/3/23

The staff and pupils had a fantastic time on the Anderton Centre residential and lots of wonderful memories were made.

On our arrival on the Tuesday we unpacked our cases , made our beds, and then we straight away got stuck into exciting activities which started off with the low ropes, the…

8 Mar

Astley Park celebrate Holi

Astley Park School had a fantastic time on Wednesday 8th March as we celebrated the Hindu festival of Colour known as Holi.  Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates Spring, Love and new life. Holi is a colour festival, with dancing, singing and throwing powder paint and coloured water. It marks…

8 Feb

Safer Internet Day @Astley Park

Another amazing Safer Internet Day at Astley Park School.


Many pupils learned the importance of understanding of reasonable and healthy time on iPad. Something we can all struggle with is recognising when we have spent too long on a device. Many of our pupils are working hard with this…

31 Jan

Valentines Disco 2023

The order forms are coming home today- for this years Valentines Disco- which will be held on Thursday 9th February- 5-7pm! Please fill in your slip and return to school as soon as you can! These events are great fun and raise valuable funds towards Prom/School funds!

20 Jan

7A World Religion 20/1/23

This week 7A have been celebrating and learning all about Hinduism as part of World Religion week.

We visited a Hindu Temple in Preston where we were able to walk around, looking at the displays and learning more about their way of life . This was a very interesting visit and we all learnt a…

19 Dec

7A Birthday time 19/12/22

Happy Birthday to Bobby who celebrates his special day during the Christmas break.

Thank you to Bobby’s mum who provided a lovely birthday cake last Friday for all of 7A to enjoy and Bobby enjoyed opening his gift from his class mates. 

Hope you have a wonderful birthday Bobby and a very…

16 Dec

7A Christmas week 16/12/22

What a fabulous exciting and fun week 7A have had in the lead up to Christmas with so many varied activities in class. 

Our class party day was so much fun with lots of hot and cold food, including chicken nuggets, chips, sausage rolls and sandwiches to name but a few of the yummy foods that…

15 Dec

Secondary Christmas Spectacular

What a Performance we had on Tuesday! 

The secondary department would like to thank all the parents, family, carers and family friends who came to see our show and also those of you who joined from home via video link. It was a wonderful turn out. 

I am sure you will all join me in…

15 Dec

7A sharing our learning 15/12/22

7A had a really lovely time during our two sharing our learning sessions. It was great to see parents getting involved in the various activities that were on offer which included sewing skills, building igloos out of Lego, baking and using colourful semantics.

The students certainly enjoyed…

2 Dec

7A visit to Astley Hall 1/12/22

Yesterday 7A had a fabulous time at Astley hall, looking around the rooms and discovering how people used to live hundreds of years ago. 
We talked to the guides who were very interesting and informative and we also got to make some paper houses using glue and scissors.

It was really lovely…

21 Nov

All friends together in 7A.

This week was Friendship week and Children in Need.

7A have been very busy, some of them have played word games making a pattern of all their friends names,which they really enjoyed whilst others coloured pictures of what friendship means to them.

Everyone sat together to listen to Miss…