Dance Club
Dance club is in full swing on Monday lunches! We are really enjoying choosing our own just dance songs and following on the moves! I wonder what we will pick next week?
Week 4 in 8P
This week in 8P we have had a spinning time with lots of fun.
We have played shop, learning money and communication skills together. The shop soon turned into a shop run by a super hero charging over 100 pounds for a pair of gloves.
We continued with our topic of The weather, having daily…
8P week 2
This week in 8P we continued working on our topic of Weather, we continued our weather walks and took some fantastic pictures of the weather.
We all painted a rainbow and then we created a class display with them.
On Wednesday we went swimming and made a real splash in the pool. The class…
8P Our first week back at School
Our first week back was full of fun. We made Birthday cards for our class for the year, so we have a lovely hand made card to give to our class friends on their birthday. we also had a craft lesson during which we made sun flowers out of paper and pipe cleaners, everyone really enjoyed this…