Millie’s 13th birthday!
8P had a very special treat for lunch today because Millie treated her friends to a McDonalds lunch to help her celebrate becoming a teenager. Millie also brought in a basket of delicious cupcakes to share. Everyone loved their special treat, and we hope that Millie had a fabulous 13th…

8P Breakfast with Santa 2022
We were so lucky that Santa managed to fit us into his busy schedule today!
We enjoyed a breakfast feast in class with fruits, yoghurts and pastries for our learners. When the big man stopped by, he was very pleased to see his friends in 8P and he happily posed for photos in…

Secondary Christmas Spectacular
What a Performance we had on Tuesday!
The secondary department would like to thank all the parents, family, carers and family friends who came to see our show and also those of you who joined from home via video link. It was a wonderful turn out.
I am sure you will all join me in…

8P - Christmas Party Week
What a festive week!
8P have had so much fun this week! We have continued our regular weather walks and we have enjoyed observing the frosty conditions this week. We noticed the frozen leaves, crunchy under our feet, and we realised that we could collect frost from the grass and throw it in…

8P Blog - December is here! ❄️
8P are starting to feel very festive now that December is here!
Our learners have noticed that they now need a coat on their daily weather walk because it is much colder. They have also noticed that we haven’t had any sunny days this week, but instead there were lots of cloudy days and…

The last two weeks in 8P
The last two weeks in 8P have been really busy we have had lots of learning opportunities and lots of fun along the way. Last week we had Children in need Pudsey day, Which could only mean Mrs Hands bucket time was Pudsey bucket time!!
we have learned all about on line safety and continued with…

Remembrance Day 2022
This week classes have been invited to join in Remembrance Day traditions throughout school.
Each teacher has planned meaningful and engaging activities surrounding the theme of ‘War’ and ‘Remembrance’.
Learners have been exposed to different learning focuses and learning new facts through a…

8P. We will remember them
Today in 8P we remembered all our soldiers both serving and retired and our fallen heroes.
We thank them for their service and sacrifice to help make our lives safer.
mrs Hands bucket time was focused on Remembrance Day and the whole class focused so well.
For the first time we had our very…

Pictures from week back
Sorry 8P friends and family, last week’s pictures failed to load. I have made a separate blog so you can see them.

Welcome back 8P
8P come back after half term.
This week we have been busy making new memories, we have been on the bikes twice, made jam sandwiches and then chocolate apples..We learned all about kitchen safety and what not to do in the kitchen and of course we had bucket time too.
For P.E this week we went…

8P show racism the red card
This week in 8P we celebrated show racism the red card day. The class took part in lots of class learning about different people and how being different is ok. The whole class made great contributions to a class discussion about different skin,eye,hair and clothes. We talked about how it’s never…

Blackpool Illuminations 2022!
This week some learners from Year 7 and 8 got the opportunity to go on an evening visit to go and see the Blackpool Illuminations as well as a chippy tea. This was an extra special trip as it was the first one in a couple of years.
Everyone had a really good time, showed our school values and…