4 Nov

Halloween & Bonfire Night in Beech

Welcome back Beech class!!!

We started the week with halloween and we ended it with bonfire night!!!

Here are just a few things we have got up to this week ……

We had some spooooooooky ‘That’s Not My Witch’ halloween tuff trays that we had a great time exploring. We listened to some…

27 Oct

Holiday Heroes: Group 1

What a fantastic and busy week, for all who joined us in Group 1.


On Tuesday morning, we went to Brew and Buddies; enjoying time playing, making new friends and practicing lots of skills.

In the afternoon we had a visit from ‘All Days Farm’ who brought lots of animals into the hall for…

19 Oct

The End of Autumn 1 in Beech Class

What have Beech Class been getting up to for the past 2 weeks I hear you ask?! ….. Well we will tell you!!!

We have looked at ‘big and little’ using different size animals, carefully constructing towers, and building sandcastles. We have enjoyed the outdoors and had nature trays in class…

12 Oct

Our First 'Chill and Chat' Session

Our first 'Chill and Chat' session took place yesterday. It was lovely for parents/carers to have the opportunity to chat together over a cup of coffee and slice of cake.


Our next get together will take place on 6th December at 1:00pm. Further details to follow.


Hope to see you all…

6 Oct

Bubbles, Balloons & Ice-Cream In Beech Class

The weeks are flying by in Beech Class!!

This week there has been bubbles, balloons, jelly, tea parties, and much more. 
Today we have all had a go at making our own ice-cream cones. We picked a cone, scooped out the chilly ice-cream and placed it into our cone. We then made it colourful with…

2 Oct

Exploring Our 5 Senses In Beech Class

Week 4 in Beech class has been a busy one!!

We have been exploring all of our 5 senses again through different activities. 

We had a go at looking through all different coloured cellophane. We enjoyed how colourful everything became and even took them outside to look at the trees. 

We did…

23 Sep

You Can’t Catch Me I’m The Gingerbread Man …. In Beech Class

Beech Class have had a super week with lots of fun gingerbread man activities. 

We have had a go at making our own gingerbread people and decorating them. We all sprinkled the flour, stirred the mixture and made them look beautiful with sticky icing and colourful sprinkles. 

We have explored…

17 Sep

Busy Bees in Beech Class

Beech class have had such a busy couple of weeks settling in to school after the summer holidays. We have had such a great time exploring and making new friends. 

Our topic focus has been ‘ourselves’. We have used our fine motor skills to make playdoh people, got our bodies moving in the…

9 Aug

Holiday Heroes Week 3 Group 1

What another fantastic week for Group 1. On Tuesday, we visited the Space Centre and enjoyed the slide and swing. We then returned to school for lunch and lots of fun in the sun on the playground! On Thursday morning, we spent time on the bouncy castle in the hall and drank lots of water to stay…

4 Aug

Holiday heroes week 2: Group 1

Group one have had another lovely week in Holiday club!

On Tuesday we had a lovely trip to The Space Centre. We had lots of fun on the big slide, playing in the ball pool, and exploring all the bright lights and music equipment. Back at school in the afternoon, we enjoyed playing in the hall…

28 Jul

Holiday Heroes - Week 1: Group 1

What a wonderful start to the summer holidays for the Holiday Heroes Group 1. 

On Tuesday, Group 1 went to ‘Brew and Buddies’ soft play centre. They had a day of play and enjoyed a lunch out too! 

On Thursday, Group 1 had a day based in school with lots of fun playing with friends. In the…

22 Jul

Final week in Beech class

It’s our final week in Beech class! To celebrate what a super year we’ve had, we have spent the week enjoying all our favourite activities. We have had lots of fun visiting the sensory room & hall, exploring lots of water play & sensory activities in class , and spending time together on the…