20 Jan

11R icy weather did not stop our fun, we made bird feeders!

Our visit to Chorley in Bloom was cancelled due to the icy weather. So we continued with our D of E topic in school. We all contributed in a class discussion with everyone saying something that could help the environment, from recycling to using energy efficient light bulbs. Then the fun…

19 Jan

11g have been so busy today 19/ 01/21


Oh my , how busy have we been today?
We had breakfast in school before heading out to catch a bus from the bus stop. We talked about looking at the number on the bus we wanted and how to stop the bus. Then we used our ‘Now cards’ to get on the bus. When your Now Card has been scanned…

19 Jan

A massive Thank You to Bircacre Garden Centre for the kind donation of bulbs.

A massive thank you to Bircacre Garden Centre for donating some bulbs to our class - we have started planting them, watered them and are eagerly awaiting for them to grow!

Hopefully we will be able to show you a beautiful, display of flowers in a few weeks time!

13 Jan

11G Chorley in Bloom 12 January 2021


We had great fun on our first visit to Chorley in Bloom.  
After a short ride on the school mini bus we arrived at the community garden. We meet two lovely ladies that are going to help us.  Each one of us got a little yellow bag, which had seeds for us to look at . Gill and Iris told us…

6 Feb

11R Litter Picking in Astley Park

Today for Chorley in Bloom, we headed down to Astley Park and picked up litter. To our surprise there wasn’t that much to be collected. 

The sun was out and it was gorgeous to be outside. We admired the snowdrops school pupils from Astley Park planted several years…

4 Feb

11R Urge public not to feed the pigeons

11R were tasked in making the public aware that feeding the pigeons at our Chorley in Bloom site, opposite McDonalds is causing more harm than good.


The site was started as a community edible garden and due to people feeding the bird the crop was being damaged and contaminated so that it…

23 Jan

11R Get back to Chorley In Bloom

This morning we made our hot chocolates in our flasks and heading up to All Seasons we our garden nursery is located.


We planted beetroot, broad beans, trees and put a netting over the bedding planters to keep the seeded areas safe.


We discussed what our plans are for the next few…

5 Dec

More Christmas Activities For 11R

Yesterday pupils painted plant pots and decorated them in Christmas themes. We took these pots with us today when we went to Chorley In Bloom and filled them with Holly, ivy and Berries. we decorated them to our own personal style.


After completing our pots we had a well deserved flask of…