13 May

Chestnut Class Enjoy Nature For Mental Health Awareness Week

This week has been Mental Health Awareness Week.

In Chestnut Class we have enjoyed some lovely, calming time in the great outdoors, and doing relax sessions in class.

We have been enjoying our outdoor area, listening to the birds and playing in the fresh air.

We have also been for lots of…

13 May

Chestnut Class Learn About Eid

Yesterday, Chestnut Class got busy learning about Eid.

We enjoyed an Attention Austism where Miss sprinkled sand and drew a moon and a star, and then sprinkled blue rice to make the sky.

Afterwards we all got creative, painting a paper plate blue for the sky, and painting a moon and star…

6 May

Chestnut Class ... Can They Fix It, Chestnut Class ... Yes They Can!

Chesnut Class have enjoyed the theme of 'Bob the Builder' this week. 

We have done lots of building whilst counting and labeling the bricks, made some fantasic house pictures to use as touch and feel boards, and even looked at who lives in our houses!

We enjoyed 'What's in the Box' on…

6 May

Beech class are builders and enjoy sensory circuits.

This week Beech class have been builders using lots of materials to build including the blocks and foam bricks. They have washed muddy cars and played in our home corner. Each morning some children go to the hall and enjoy the sensory circuits, this includes climbing , crawling, jumping and…

30 Apr

Beech class wear red

Today Beech class wore red for ending racism. We did a fun attention autism session with lots of red toys and red balloon. We loved the red bubbles, we made pictures with them later. Well done Beech class. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Miss Holden, Ms Goonan.


30 Apr

Beech class explore the three little pigs

This week we have been looking at the 3 little pigs story, we looked at the houses and Mrs Barrand dressed up as a wolf and blew down the houses. We have made pig masks and houses and been busy building with boxes and bricks. Well done Beech class. 


Mrs Barrand, Ms Goonan, Mrs Banks,…

23 Apr

The ‘3 Little Pigs’ Visit Chestnut Class!

Chestnut Class have had a very exciting week learning all about ‘The 3 Little Pigs’. We have been exploring different materials and making pig houses out of straw, sticks and duplo, and pretending to blow them down. 

We all decorated a biscuit with pink icing and marsh mellows to make a pigs…

16 Apr

Chestnut explore ‘Spring’

This week in Chestnut class we have been learning all about spring. We have used forks in different coloured paints to make tulip pictures, painted blossom trees using our fingers, dug in the soil filling the plant pots, and looked for worms in the soil. We have explored the school grounds with…

15 Apr

Beech class learn about spring

This week Beech class have been learning about spring. We have painted blossom trees using our fingers, used forks to make tulip pictures, poured and shook some flour over flowers. We looked at spring lambs made prints with a potato masher. We explored around the school grounds on a lovely spring…

19 Mar

Beech class Red Nose Day

Beech class enjoyed a red nose attention autism session using red objects in the box and making a red sparkly nose. Some of us dressed up as super heroes too. A great day well done Beech class. 

Mrs Barrand, Mrs Banks, Ms Goonan, Miss Holden. 

18 Mar

Easter Cards in Chestnut Class

In Chestnut Class this week, we made some cute Easter Cards for our familiies.

We squeezed a yellow blob of paint onto the middle of our card and then used a fork to spread the paint out. Once we had done this we stuck on 2 eyes and an orange beak, to make a super cute Easter chick!!! We can't…

18 Mar

Beech class weather week

This week we have been learning all about the weather. We explored ice, rainbow rice,  shined torches in the dark den, cloud paintings and rain pictures. We had some captivating attention autism sessions, we got wet in the rain and went under the brolly whilst singing and listening to thunder…