10 Feb

Beech Class Seaside Exploration

Beech class have been exploring different environments. This week we have been exploring the Beach.

5 Feb

The Sun Has Got His Hat On ..... in Chestnut Class!!

The children in Chestnut have been using a little wishful thinking this week and exploring ‘The Beach’.

In Class we really enjoyed a funny Ice Cream Splat session. We each got a turn to splat Miss Heaton’s ice creams until there were none left!!!

We then had a go at following instructions…

4 Feb

Beech class have fun at the beach!

This week Beech class have been learning about the beach, they have explored sand, water, shells, sea creatures and ice cream. We have been on lots of walks around school track enjoying the sunny weather and helping our regulation and well being. We have heard about slots of lovely learning from…

28 Jan

Beech class farm and snow week

This week Beech class have been learning about the farm. We had lots of sensory play fun with animals and some digging in the soil to find vegetables that grow on the farm.
We had to make the most of the snow and ice too while it was here! We did lots of walking, digging and…

22 Jan

World Religion Week - 6 Star Challenge

We hope everybody has had lots of fun learning about their class religion in our World Religion Week activities.


This week we have had lots of photos and videos shared with us of everybody at Astley Park completing our very special World Religion Week Six Star Challenge. Your teachers and…

15 Jan

Beech class mark making

This week we have been making lots of marks and exploring sensory trays. We have used some large vehicles to make marks on a big road, made marks in shaving foam as well we explored lots of different foods trays. We have heard about lots of lovely news from our learner from home too, Well done…

15 Jan

Chestnut Class Have Been Busy at Home and at School!

Wow, what a busy week Chestnut Class have had!! 

Alex did great work on Education City, did lots of reading, and loved playing on the scooter board. Benedict did lovely vocalising during Intensive Interaction with Miss Beck and has made fantastic progress during his changing routine. George…

8 Jan

Snowy Fun in Chestnut Class

Happy New Year Everyone!

What a busy first week back in Chestnut Class!! We have been getting creative and exploring Winter trays.


Alex really enjoyed making a egg carton snowman and playing book shop with Miss Howarth. 


Benedict loved playing out in the snow with Mrs…

18 Dec

A chocolate treat for Beech class

This week we had a chocolate day! Mrs Barrand did our attention autism session counting chocolate and sweets. She then did pouring, cracking and dipping the chocolate. We then explored the tray with lots of eating sweets and chocolate, dipping and pouring. A fab activity well done Beech class, we…

11 Dec

Beech class Christmas celebrations

This week we have had our Christmas lunch and Christmas party. We had lots of fun wearing our hats and playing pass the parcel, we did some dancing too! We have explored lots of sensory trays including a foam snowman that we loved. We had our share our learning Christmas bun song and wore our…

4 Dec

Beech class get Christmassy!

Beech class have started 'Christmas'  this week! We have been exploring our sensory trays- Santa's beard, twinkle stars and present wrapping. The children have been dressing up and were very excited when we decorated our class tree. We hammered and explored the santa's workshop making presents and…

27 Nov


This week in Beech class we have been learning about ourselves. We have been practicing sharing and playing with our friends. Supported by our dolly role play we explored about self care by washing the babies, brushing hair and feeding them. We have explored lots of different foods and role played…