22 Feb

Different Families, Same Love - An Information Blog for Parents

Different Families, Same Love

LGBT+ History Month is celebrated in February in the UK. This week, Astley Park School is proud to celebrate LGBT History Month through exploring different family types. 

  • All learners will be working towards our weekly six star challenge in which all…
12 Feb

A Love-ly Week in Maple Class

Maple Class, both at home and in schoo,l have enjoyed learning and exploring all things Valentine this week! Scarlett has been decorating heart biscuits, sponge painting hearts and has been on a heart treasure hunt! Harry and Lottie have been working hard at home too with Grandma, and enjoyed…

8 Feb

100 laps for Captain Sir Tom Moore

Over the next week pupils and staff at Astley Park will be attempting to walk a total of 100 laps of the school track or if learning from home around their local area or gardens in memory of Captain Sir Tom Moore who became the nation’s hero last spring after raising more than £32m for the NHS…

5 Feb

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 5

Maple Class have been busy with lots of activities based on the book Elmer, this week. In school and with our friends at home via Teams, we have enjoyed an Elmer sensory story. We have been naming colours of elephants, decorating elephant biscuits and making our own Elmers from milk cartons. We…

31 Jan

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 4

Another very busy week for Maple Class, both at home and in school. At home Scarlett has been busy with her writing and numbers, making jam tarts and exploring the snow! Lottie and Harry have made an indoor obstacle course, played skittles and done some amazing shape work.

In class we have…

22 Jan

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 3

As part of World Religion Week, Maple Class learners in school have been exploring Holi, an ancient Hindu festival also known as, 'The Festival of Colours'.  We have been exploring sensory materials such as different coloured lentils and rice, completing coloured jigsaws and puzzles and…

18 Jan

Chill & Chat Tuesday 26th January

On Tuesday 26th January we will be holding our first virtual ‘Chill & Chat’ session with parents and carers. The first session will be focused on supporting learning and well-being at home during these challenging times. The aim of the session is to provide an informal forum for parents to have a…

15 Jan

Maple Class - Spring 1 Week 2

Maple Class both home and at school have done some fantastic learning this week! 

At home Lottie has been busy doing yoga, helping make snacks, and completing jigsaws, whilst Harry has been busy with playdough gym, yoga and writing his name so neatly! Scarlett has been listening to sounds on…

17 Dec

Maple Class - Breakfast with Santa!

Maple Class had a brilliant morning on Wednesday, enjoying breakfast with Santa! We watched a Christmas movie, ate jam on toast and cereal, and drank some lovely hot chocolate. Santa visited us virtually and one of his elves dropped off a present for each of us!

Happy Christmas Maple…

5 Dec

What Kindness Means to Maple Class..

This half term in school we have been learning about Sadaqah, a core value in Islam all about 'kindness'. For Maple class, this means that we have been working on our sharing and turn-taking, being kind to one another. 

To practice our sharing and turn-taking, the class joined in with a sensory…

28 Nov

Maple Class Autumn 2 Week 4

Maple Class have been very busy this week. Learning more about Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Following instructions to make a bear face from bread and chocolate spread, and, making and counting cakes to give to the bears. We used instruments to make quiet and loud noises, listening well to…

19 Nov

Maple Go Puddle Jumping!

Yesterday, Maple class saw that it was raining outside and thought that we would make the most of it! We watched Peppa Pig jumping in muddy puddles, put on our coats and wellies and headed out into our outdoor classroom to get splashing! We worked together to make some puddles by filling up…