Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee in Style!
Wow! What an absolutely fantastic day we have all had celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee at the Astley Park Funfair!! Pupils and staff have enjoyed a day full of excitement and nobody could keep a smile off their face when they walked into the school decorated in red, white and…

Maple Class Summer 1
This half term Maple Class have been very busy at school.
For ‘My Cooking’ half of Maple Class went to the food technology room, we were practicing buttering and slicing toast before we got to eat it! In Maple Class the rest of us were making juice, we were practicing our pouring skills and…

Maple Class Summer 1
This half term Maple Class have been very busy at school.
For ‘My Cooking’ half of Maple Class went to the food technology room, we were practicing buttering and slicing toast before we got to eat it! In Maple Class the rest of us were making juice, we were practicing our pouring skills and…

Happy Wesak!
On Monday, all pupils celebrated Wesak (Buddha Day). The Buddhist festival celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Buddha. Pupils explored the story of Buddha in ways appropriate to their pathway and worked hard creating mandalas which were entered into the APS Mandala Contest, the…

Mental Health Week in Maple Class
This week for mental health awareness week Maple Class have been seeing what makes our engines just right and what makes us feel happy. Some of Maple Class did an attention autism, Miss Woods pulled out different objects from the bucket and we said if they made us happy or sad. One of the objects…

International Epilepsy Day, a birthday & a teddy bears picnic
It has been a very busy day in Maple! Pupils have worn purple and explored purple themed activities to celebrate International Epilepsy Day. Attention autism was the delivery method of choice, pupils then created purple pasta bracelets and explored the purple tuff tray. We had a big 7th birthday…

Red Nose Day in Maple Class
Maple Class have had a ‘super’ day celebrating Red Nose Day! Pupils wore their favourite superhero t shirts and costumes. Exploratory play included a red tray and red mashed potato. Attention autism consisted of a bucket filled with red balloons, coloured sand and googly eye red noses in the tuff…

St Patrick’s Day in Maple Class
This morning while half of maple class went to strawberry fields to swim the rest of us in Maple Class had fun celebrating St Patrick’s Day.
First we did an attention autism, in our bucket was a spinning top, a rocket and a flashing spiky ball. Next for stage 2 we did a shamrock fall. Miss Woods…

World Book Day in Maple Class!
This year our school theme for world book day was the three little pigs.
In class to celebrate this theme we had a three little pigs sensory tuff tray, in here we had sticks, foam bricks and straw. We also had pink pig play dough
As a class team we had our own theme which was Charlie and…

Maple Class learn about Hinduism
On Friday, Maple Class had a very special visitor! Mrs Parekh joined us via Microsoft Teams and told us about her Hindu faith. Mrs Parekh shared interesting facts and described her favourite festival (Holi). Pupils were then invited to ask questions, they asked about bindis before trying some on,…

Celebrating St David’s Day and Shrove Tuesday in Maple Class
Pupils have had a fantastic day celebrating Shrove Tuesday. They have explored a pancake themed tuff tray, practiced number skills with TEACHH activities and with the ‘Five Crispy Pancakes’ song and have even participated in tossing and tasting!
St David’s Day has also been celebrated through…

Kings of the road!
This week Maple class have created personal invitations to our teddy bear’s picnic planned for March. Pupils have been travel training around school with increased independence. Some pupils put their road safety skills into practice, walking to the local postbox to post invitations. On arrival, we…