Remembrance Day - KS4 My Choices Day 10R and 11R Autumn Term 2022
Today the 'R' classes in KS4 took part in their My Choices Day. This is a collapsed curriculum day where option subjects are chosen by the pupils and they study their choices based on the theme. This term it is Remembrance Day and the option choices were: History, Geography, Art, Modern Foreign…
Ciao from 9R
On Friday we celebrated Italy day in school.
We had a non uniform day and some of 9R came dressed in red, white or green.
We tried Caprese Salad - mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and fresh basil, Michael noticed that it was green, white and red like the Italian flag. The classroom…
Italy Day in Chestnut Class
Today, Chestnut Class have celebrated Italy.
We all wore the colours red, green or white, and listened to some traditional Italian music.
For 'What's in the Box', Miss Beck made a big Italian flag out of all different sensory materials.
Chestnut class then all had a go at decorating our…
7A Celebrate Italy Day 2021
7A have really enjoyed Italy Day. We all remembered to wear colours from the Italian flag and enjoyed Italy themed sensory play and learning all about the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Mrs Crouch told us some interesting facts about the Leaning Tower of Pisa and then we worked in teams to try and create…
Verde, Bianca, Rossa
9G have had a fabulous Italy day for Modern Foreign Languages.
9G started the morning by coming in their green, white and red clothes. We then listened to a story about a girl called Angelina who loved pizza and went to visit the leaning tower of Pisa.
We then listened to some Italian…
Fun in 10G this week
Wow what a week we’ve had!
Lots of work- measuring in maths- we have listened to stories, and had a go at finishing sentences, and creating our own stories in English.
In ICT we discussed online safety and looked at our school ‘whisper’ which is accessed through our school website.
Italy day- The Mona Lisa in willow class
Today in Willow class we have been learning about The Mona Lisa .
We learned lots of interesting facts about where the painting came from, what events have happened surrounding the Mona Lisa and practised lots of fun Italian words.
The children listened really well and even had a go…