11 Feb

9G make their own pizza

9G have been very busy today and made our own pizzas which we enjoyed eating at snack time. We had to work in our pairs and follow the instructions to make them. First we had to spread passata over our pizza base. Then we worked together sprinkling cheese on our pizzas and chopping peppers to put…

11 Feb

Internet Safety day in Willow class

This week Willow learnt all about how we can stay safe on different games and websites when we are on our computers and iPads! 
We discussed what information we could share on the internet (e.g. a cartoon avatar and code name on a game) and what information we only tell friends and family. We…

4 Feb

Willow heads to the park

Today Willow Class navigated their way to Devonshire Recreational Ground Park practicing using directional language and spotting any features of towns which we had learnt about in our Understanding of the World lessons. Willow Class staff were very impressed with the children’s road safety skills…

21 Jan

SEND team Sensory diets

This week our sensory diet group have been using some exciting new equipment. We have some trampets to bounce on, climbing equipment to use to match pictures. The ropes to pull and hold yourself up with, basket ball to try to shoot a hoop and some new sensory walkways to climb and jump from. After…

15 Jan

Introducing Brain Eater!

During this weeks Superflex session we met “Brain Eater”, the unthinkable character that eats our thinking brains when we use technology or distract or are distracted by others. We talked about the impact of using technology at bed time, and how if we are up late watching TV or playing on our…

14 Jan

7R enjoy a Tuesday treat!

This morning 7R have been practicing their Functional Maths skills in the community. We are learning all about money. We went to Massas cafe and enjoyed an ice cream or a snack and a drink. We were asked to order and pay for our own snack. Some of us found finding the correct coins to make a total…

10 Jan

Food, Glorious Food - 7R

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food". 

Communication, Language and Literacy

In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…