24 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians

Hi Everyone

Welcome to Wednesday's blog. Today we will be looking at the highlights of some of the Volleyball Teams that competed in the Paralympics. Volleyball is a very fast and competitive sport and you have to work together as a…

23 Jun

9G are keeping busy at home!

9G have been keeping very busy at home. They have enjoyed seeing one another on our TEAMS video chats and particularly enjoyed our show and tell session and our morning group session. 9G have also been keeping busy working on their maths skills, reading Roald Dahl books, our Supertato story,…

23 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians

Hi Everyone

Welcome to Tuesday’s blog. Today we will be looking at Paralympian Jonnie Peacock, a sprint runner and amputee, who ran in the men's 100 metres representing Great Britain. Please click on the link to watch the event where Jonnie Peacock not only won gold, he broke his own world…

22 Jun

Sports Week Special Six Star Challenge

NEWSFLASH - We have updated the awards criteria so anyone who tries a challenge will get a bronze award

22 Jun

Sports Week: Paralympians


Hi Everyone

Welcome to Monday's blog, this week at Astley Park school it is Sports Week, there are going to be different activities everyday that you can join in with at home and have some fun with family members

The Paralympics is a series of…

19 Jun

Sports Week 2020

We are excited to announce the details of this year’s Sports Week that all of our learners can take part in whether they are learning at home or in school.

What we will be doing

  1. There will be six sports challenges to complete across the week. The challenges are: Warm up, Throw, Catch or…
10 Jun

Six Star Challenge - plank position demonstration


We just thought we would share a video to show you how to do a correct plank exercise from Mr Murphy. It's fantastic to see so many of you trying these new challenges, keep it up.

A new challenge will be published each Monday for you to achieve your stars that week, this week is week 2.…

22 May

9G enjoy learning from home!

9G have had another busy week. Everyone has been really busy working on education city, purple mash, helping out around the house, working on their gardening skills, reading, counting and baking skills. 

Well done 9G. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of how hard you have all been…

10 May

Summer week 3 for Willow Class

Willow class have had a very busy week this week with lots of learning from home. Luckily for us, they have sent in some photos so let’s have a look!

Alfie has been working hard at home learning how to use the email app sending messages to his friends with help from Nana. Well done Alfie!

7 May

Secondary’s Wake up and Shake up, May 2020.

We were all feeling a little bit sleepy this morning so needed to do something to wake up our bodies and our brains.


We went into the hall and did a wake up and shake up dance to help us feel awake! We really enjoyed it and took part really well!

We enjoyed it so much that we wanted to…

4 May

7R...How would you feel if dinosaurs were alive today?

Hi everybody,

I was on holiday last week but Miss Beck has been telling me about the fantastic work you all did at home and I am so proud of you all for trying so hard! Last week I set you some reading about dinosaurs and tasks which involved reflecting on what you had read to answer questions.…

4 May

Willow class learning from home: summer week 2

Hello everyone,

Willow class have been feeling very creative last week, enjoying MADD week through arts at home and entering the flag competition. Let’s have a look at what Willow class have been up to!

Alfie has been enjoying time in the sunshine in the garden with Nana! He has been keeping…