1 May

MADD Week Flag Art Competition

Wow what an amazing MADD week it has been. There have been some amazing videos posted onto our school Learning from Home YouTube Channel - if you haven't had a look yet please go and see! 


We have had lots of entries fro the…

1 May

9G’s amazing work from home!

9G have had an amazing week and have done some fantastic work. Miss Robertson and Miss Bamber are so proud of you all. Let’s see what everyone has been getting up to:

Miss Bamber has had some fantastic news. She is going to have a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations Miss Bamber! She has also…

15 Mar

Willow Class goes to Withy Grove Park for a workout!

Last week Willow Class went on a trip to Withy Grove Park to get some fresh air and exercise! Everyone took turns on the equipment so well and helped to push each other on the swings and roundabouts. Some children practiced their climbing skills on the climbing frame while others tried out the…

13 Mar

Smoothie shop in Willow Class

Willow class enjoyed a functional maths and food etc lesson, designing a smoothie recipe.

The children had to choose the ingredients they wanted, then use the price lists to work out what the quantity of each ingredient would cost.

Next children had to visit the banker to withdraw the money…

5 Feb

8R Have Fun in the Park

Today, as part of Children's Mental Health we, we decided to go to the park and release some endorphins. We had lots of fun and all came away happy, laughing and feeling so much better. Some of us weren't too keen on the walk there but once there everybody has lots of fun. Even Mrs Devlin braved…

4 Feb

Willow heads to the park

Today Willow Class navigated their way to Devonshire Recreational Ground Park practicing using directional language and spotting any features of towns which we had learnt about in our Understanding of the World lessons. Willow Class staff were very impressed with the children’s road safety skills…

3 Feb

9G’s PE at the Park

9G have had a lovely afternoon out. We enjoyed using our PE skills to balance on the different equipment at the park. We also did some fantastic turn taking and working together to help each other on the climbing frame and on the swings. We had a fantastic time and played so well together. Well…

21 Jan

9Gs Crazy Cooking

9G were very busy yesterday trying out another healthy recipe. We made creamy linguine with ham. To do this we first had to break up the linguine then give it to Miss Holden to cook it. We then got busy cutting up the ham, breaking up two eggs, adding lemon juice, creme fraiche and grated cheese.…

10 Jan

Food, Glorious Food - 7R

Welcome back and a Happy New Year!

7R have lots to look forward to this term. Our new theme is "Food, Glorious, Food". 

Communication, Language and Literacy

In our "Communication, Language and Literacy" lessons we will be exploring the book "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" by Roald…